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1 May 03, 2006 18:34    


I would like help adding some navigation to my skin. I am using the wpc_aubmach skin basically, but I have changed the background. What I would like to do is to add links to all the blogs on all the blog pages. My blog is private, and it is just there's the main blog, the linkblog, and a photoblog. The problem is there is no links to the main blog on the linkblog and photoblog pages. So the users are forced to use the browser back button.

Is there a way to easily fix this?

Thanks so much for any help.


2 May 03, 2006 21:35

In the backoffice click on the Blogs Tab and then on your main blog (the one that isn't showing in your other blogs) and look at the following areas:

Check "display public blog list" if you want to display the list of all blogs on your blog page (if your skin supports this).
Check "include in public blog list" if you want this blog to be displayed in the list of all public blogs.

You may want to check these settings on all your blogs to make sure they end up displaying the way you want.

3 May 04, 2006 04:20

Those are checked. I think I am going to have to change the template or something in the skin. Basically, that is what I am how to change that and what to change.



4 May 04, 2006 16:43


I had a quick look at the _main.php file for the skin that you're using (wpc_aubmach) and noticed that it didn't seem to include the code necessary for listing the various blogs.

What I would try, would be to use the code (and file) from the "custom" skin. I haven't tested it, but I think the following will work.

1) In your aubmach _main.php file, add the following code (where you want the blog list to show up).

	// --------------------------- BLOG LIST INCLUDED HERE -----------------------------
	require( dirname(__FILE__).'/_bloglist.php' );
	// ------------------------------- END OF BLOG LIST --------------------------------

2) Then copy over the "bloglist.php" file from the custom folder, to the aubmach skin folder (if you're going to CALL the file, a copy of it needs to be in the skin folder).

I have no idea about the styling (CSS file) but this should, at the least, get the blogs listed.

Hope this helps.

5 May 04, 2006 21:19

I tried everything you said...

What it did is change the whole entire design and layout of the blog. It came out very simple looking and the background/colors were completely gone. Seems strange to me why it would have changed it sooo much, but it did.

Thanks so much for trying to help. I still would appreciate any ideas.


6 May 04, 2006 22:25


Hmmm. Not sure what to say.

I tried it on an old DAWN install, using the wpc_aubmach skin (so now it's tested) and you can see the results [url=]HERE[/url]. (See the "All" and "Randsco" links at the top of the right-hand sidebar? ... that's the result from adding the above code, just above the Categories and Linkblog section (we don't use a linkblog ... or even multiple blogs, but I turned on the "all_blog" for the test).

The wpc_aubmach _main.php file now looks like:

<!-- =================================== START OF SIDEBAR =================================== -->

<div id="menu">


    // --------------------------- BLOG LIST INCLUDED HERE ----------------------------- 
    require( dirname(__FILE__).'/_bloglist.php' ); 
    // ------------------------------- END OF BLOG LIST -------------------------------- 

	<?php // -------------------------- LINKBLOG INCLUDED HERE -----------------------------
		require( dirname(__FILE__).'/_linkblog.php' );
		// -------------------------------- END OF LINKBLOG ---------------------------------- ?>

 <li id="categories"><?php echo T_('Categories'); ?>:
	<?php // -------------------------- CATEGORIES INCLUDED HERE -----------------------------
		require( dirname(__FILE__).'/_categories.php' );
		// -------------------------------- END OF CATEGORIES ---------------------------------- ?>

where i just added the "require bloglist.php line, like I said.

I then copied the bloglist.php file straight from the custom skin folder, to the wpc_aubmach skin folder. (Had to monkey in the back office to turn on the all blog and have it included in a public blog list).

The resulting HTML looks like:

<!-- =================================== START OF SIDEBAR =================================== -->

<div id="menu">


<ul id="bloglist"><li><a href="" class="BlogButton" title="All Blogs">All</a></li>
<li><a href="" class="BlogButtonCurr" title="Kimler Adventure Pages">Randsco</a></li>

 <li id="categories">Categories:

It shouldn't monkey with the existing page styling (unless it wasn't added in an appropriate spot), as it's unlikely that the "BlogButtonCurr" and "BlogButton" class names are included as selectors in the aubmach skin's "style.css" file.

Have another go and if you're having problems, you can always PM me and I'll come by to give you some personal attention. ;)

Cheers :D

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