2 starpause Jun 21, 2006 01:38
I guess the $resolve_extra_path is something new in v0.9.1. Thanks for making it work on v0.9.1! (I should have upgraded my b2evo but I guess I'll wait a little while longer for the final Phoenix release)
Is this also a valid option for version v1.8?
It does not work for v1.8 yet. I have only recently started to upgrade my b2evo to v1.8, and it is my plan to make this a 1.8 plugin.
have you done it? I need that plugin asap. If you need help, give me feedback.
Here you go, the 1.8 plugin.
Some slight variations to its usage:
1. After you installed the plugin, you would have to go to the plugin admin page to tell it what file extensions to handle and how to render. This information was hard coded in the previous version. With this version, you can add/change the types of players easily without hacking the code.
If you want to use Dewplayer and Windows Media Player as in the previous version, enter these values for the plugin setting:
File types:
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.yoururl.com/blogs/dewplayer.swf?mp3=_FILE_" width="200" height="20"><param name="movie" value="http://www.yoururl.com/blogs/dewplayer.swf?mp3=_FILE_" /></object>
File types:
.wmv .mpg .mpeg
<embed type="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/" src="_FILE_" width=360 height=300 name="MediaPlayer" autostart="0" ShowStatusBar=1 ShowControls=1 ></embed>
2. To enable RSS enclosure, you can replace the main.php in the "skins/_rss2" folder with the one in the zip file, or you can place the entire "_rss2_mplayer" folder in "skins". If you choose to do the latter, you would have to hack your skin to make the RSS2 link look like so:
I have not tested this thoroughly yet. If you find any problem please let me know.
v1.8.1 updated on Nov 3, 2006: Minor bug fix to resolve "merge_array" problem on some PHP version.
thank you very much! that is really great. I`m new in the b2core api but i will try to extend it like die file manager so that you can choice between image tag or media tag.
Thanks Mikih
yes, I like this also, I like the fact that hides the files.
So, Is there any way to even better hide the location of the files?
or maybe a bit off topic but, is it possible to not alow direct access to the media folder...yet still use the player?
For QT movies use:
<embed src="_FILE_" Pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/" width="317" height="258" CONTROLLER=true LOOP=false AUTOPLAY=false name="slideshow"></embed>
I use this to embed Flash:
<OBJECT classid="clsid: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="300" ALIGN="">
<EMBED src="_FILE_" menu=false quality=high scale=noscale bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="300" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">
You might need to modify the width, height and bgcolor.
I just upgraded to 1.8.2 and decided to try this plugin out.
I'm having some issues though.. the plugin inserts a comment into my blog entry, but when I publish the entry, the comment just stays a comment. It is not rendered as the html I entered in the settings panel.
I'm not sure what I'm missing.
Hi rcxAsh,
Have you checked whether the "Apply rendering" setting in "App Settings, Plugins" is set to "always"?
I am running it on 1.8.1 and have not upgraded to 1.8.2 yet. If this is a common issue for 1.8.2 I will have to fix it later.
Thanks, C.R.T., that seemed to do the trick!
This is a really neat plugin! :)
I'm running 1.8.2 with the MediaPlayer installed as above and everthing looks fine, I go to the Post tab and above then content I see the
Audio/Video: Add
But when I click on add nothing happens and the javascript console in firefox tells me
mplayer_add is not defined
any ideas whats going on ???
thx werner
Hi werner,
Most probably you have not defined a media file type yet. You have to do that in "App Settings, Plugins" then select the Media Player plugin. Please read the previous messages for detailed instructions on what to do.
sadly thats not the problem. I uploaded the dewplayer and added the filetypes:
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://http://blogs.netdays.at/0607/dewplayer.swf?mp3=_FILE_" width="200" height="20"><param name="movie" value="http://http://blogs.netdays.at/0607/dewplayer.swf?mp3=_FILE_" /></object>
no clue whats going on
thx werner
Thanks werner for pointing out the problem. I have updated the plugin. If anyone was having problem using the plugin, please try this version.
C.R.T. wrote:
please try this version.
C.R.T., what version? I can't find the link.
Hi Rubba, just download mediaplayer_plugin1.8.1.zip from the first page. I replaced the old file with the new file.
This plugins is very good !
One question (probably stupid...) :
Is it possible to put different codes to read mp3, mpg...
I mean put in html section :
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.yoururl.com/blogs/dewplayer.swf?mp3=_FILE_" width="200" height="20"><param name="movie" value="http://www.yoururl.com/blogs/dewplayer.swf?mp3=_FILE_" /></object>
<embed type="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/" src="_FILE_" width=360 height=300 name="MediaPlayer" autostart="0" ShowStatusBar=1 ShowControls=1 ></embed>
I try it, but have 2 differents readers
Hi pppplus, if you are using the 1.8.1 plugin version, you can define more than one file types and their corresponding HTML. You can do this from the plugin settings page. I hope this answered your question.
Thanks C.R.T., it works great now!
Thanks CRT,
I put the new 1.8.1 on my computer and forget to put it on server, so I see no difference with the previous version.
After you message I verify and find the old version. So now, all is perfect !
Thanks and very good !! :p
And to read an .avi file, what do you use ?
Thanks !
I have a real problem with this plugin.
I have uploaded it to the plugin directory many times...but this plugin never appear on the plugin list .
I 'am on the 1.8.2 sable .
Am i the only one with this issue ??
Thanx for your answer and for your work.
Stupid question, but do you send the plugin to your server in plugins directory ? :roll:
pppplus wrote:
And to read an .avi file, what do you use ?
Thanks !
Up !!
Does someone has an answer to view avi files (divx) ?
Thanks ! :p
Hi Philippe, after you uploaded the plugin, did you click "Display available plugins" at the bottom of the plugin setting page? You would have to click on that and install the plugin from there for it to work. If this is not the problem, then I will have to check on it later as I am still running on v1.8 and won't be upgrading soon.
Hi pppplus, I believe you can use Windows Media Player to play avi files. Just append .avi as a file type: .wmv .mpg .mpeg .avi
Is there a way to autoplay?
Hi Edgar, in the plugins settings, you can add the autoplay parameter in the HTML for each player, but that will be applied across the board. i.e., all players in all articles will autoplay.
To make Dewplayer autoplay, you can do this:
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.yoururl.com/blogs/dewplayer.swf?mp3=_FILE_&autoplay=1" width="200" height="20"><param name="movie" value="http://www.yoururl.com/blogs/dewplayer.swf?mp3=_FILE_&autoplay=1" /></object>
For Windows Media Player, use this:
<embed type="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/" src="_FILE_" width=360 height=300 name="MediaPlayer" autostart=1 ShowStatusBar=1 ShowControls=1 ></embed>
I use the following code to embed some SWF content, and my problem is that - when i visit the blog entry - the flash downloads and starts playing automatically. Since I didn't write the swf file, I am not sure if that is control there, or if there's a setting to control it in the code.
btw, I know for my MP3s I have to click on Play before it starts playing and that's what I would like to see happen here... possible?
<OBJECT classid="clsid: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="300" ALIGN="">
<EMBED src="_FILE_" menu=true quality=high scale=noscale bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="300" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">
Hi Edgar, I don't think the flash player has the option to switch autoplay on or off... The autoplay control usually lies within the swf content itself, if it is not programmed with it, I doubt you can do anything about it.
An alternative way I can think of is to use javascript to show and hide the flash player. But I don't have any working solution for that.
Thought I did everything right but it isn't showing up in my plugins tab in the back office. What might I be missing?
Update. I downloaded and installed the 1.8 version successfully but when I got to add an mp3 from the posting page I get- "Valid file types are ." Help?
You probably want this setting:
Go to back office -> App Settings -> File Types. There, add mp3 as new file type.
Probably you also want to change the maximum file size in backoffice -> App Settings -> Files -> Maximum allowed file size
This helped a lot. Thanks. I'm almost there but still can't quite get it to work. I added the file type and the appropriate HTML, uploaded the dewplayer and set my render to "always" but now only getting a white box- no player. Here's a link if anyone can help I'd apprciate it- http://www.rocktownhall.com/blogs
Not sure what I'm doing wrong. http://www.rocktownhall.com/blogs . Second post down or so. Can anyone help?
It has someting to with trying to use the DewPlayer. When I put in the settings for QT, it works like a charm... which if fine for now. Would love to use an swf though.
Hi sammymaudlin, there seems to be a problem with your website processing this URL:
It gives the following message: Not Acceptable. An appropriate representation of the requested resource /blogs/dewplayer.swf could not be found on this server.
However, do this and it is fine:
It may be your web server having problem interpreting the link when being passed a full URL as parameter.
i dont seem to have a plugin/renderer or plugin/toolbar folder in my install.
1.91 beta btw.
i'd be really interested in this plugin - any help ?
Ok, this is driving me nuts!
-I'm running bevo 1.9.3
-uploaded dewplayer
-uploaded the files to the plugin dir
-updated the mplayer config
-added the .mp3 file in the mediaplayer backoffice
whenever I enter a mp3 url in the toolbar and click the 'ad' button..nothing happens! no error, just nothing. Is there anyone willing to help me out?
My host doesn't allow mp3's. Does your's?
yeah , I'm on dreamhost and they don't seem to care. I'm running a punbb forum on the same host (different domain though) and have have succesfully installed and used the dewplayer plugin there so that shouldn't be the problem I guess.
Thanks for the reply though!
update : IE gives me a javascript error :
can't move focus to the controll because it is invisible, not enabled or of a type that doesn't accept focus
uhm WHAT?
Not sure how much I can help...
But recently, I noticed that the plugin Add button stopped working as well. It seemed to be when I upgraded to b2evo 1.9.2 (or potentially when I upgraded my PHP installation). It would throw a JavaScript error, "mplayer_add is not defined"
Not sure what was wrong... but I grabbed the later version of C.R.T's plugin (there was an update he made in Nov 2006). After replacing the old plugin file with the slightly updated one (added something about $all_ext = array(); )
It started to work again. So.. not sure what fixed it for me. But if you happen to be using the version prior to the Nov 2006 update, perhaps try to get that newer version to try..?
I have trouble with Mediaplayer plugin
- Downloaded dewplayer-multi.swf and uploaded to my host
- Downloaded mediaplayer, unzip and uploaded to plugins folder (created 2 new folders named: toolbar and renderer)
- updated _mediaplayer.conf.php
I can not see the Mediaplayer plugin in Back office->app Settings->Plugins->Available plugins list
My b2evolution is 1.9.3 version.
Would you pls help me?
Thank you in advanced.
Best regards,
tetoteti wrote:
I have trouble with Mediaplayer plugin
- Downloaded dewplayer-multi.swf and uploaded to my host
- Downloaded mediaplayer, unzip and uploaded to plugins folder (created 2 new folders named: toolbar and renderer)
- updated _mediaplayer.conf.phpI can not see the Mediaplayer plugin in Back office->app Settings->Plugins->Available plugins list
My b2evolution is 1.9.3 version.
Would you pls help me?
Thank you in advanced.
Best regards,
Did you download the plugin from the first post in this thread? That one is for the older 0.9.x versions of b2evo. There is a post further down:
where C.R.T. posted an updated version for the 1.8.x version of b2evo, which does work on 1.9 as well.
Thanks rcxAsh for helping to answer all those questions!
Hi tetoteti, from your description, it does seem that you are using the old version. Please try the latest version which is 1.8.1.
Do you mean the query string w/ the S and the character limit?
i tried it but I couldn't get the "See More" button to appear at the end of the text so I removed it. It kept showing up at the top of the blog text.
I am using Google Search for my site but sometimes it doesn't find everything.
Check it out.
Hello everyone,
I can't find why I can't read mp3 files with dewplayer.
- I uploaded dewplayer in http://me.com/blog/dewplayer.swf
- I added the code for the file extensions : <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.me.com/blog/dewplayer.swf?mp3=_FILE_" width="200" height="20"><param name="movie" value="http://www.me.com/blog/dewplayer.swf?mp3=_FILE_" /></object>
- My concerned blog is blog a then my media files is media/blogs/a/
- The plugin (mediaplayer 1.8) is activated and I see the "Audio/Video ADD" menu in the article backoffice.
- It's ok to upload a file.
- When I go on the blog, I can only see the dewplayer displayed but it seams "empty". When I clic on play, nothing happens...
Might it be related to the file directory ? Don't really understand what means "mp3=_FILE_" in the code ?
Anyone ?
Thx in advance :)
Hi all. My problem is pretty much the same as ErwanMFT.
I'm running b2evolution 1.9.3 and have just installed the MediaPlayer Plugin with everthing seems fine. On the Write tab I can see the "Audio/Video: Add".
BUT, when I click on add .... nothing happens!!!
Any help would be really appreciated.
Thanks. B)
This is a great plugin but I have one slight problem. I've set mp3's to play in the Dewplayer (flash gizmo) which is fine in Internet Expolrer but doesn't show up in Firefox (windows Medias Player DOES) I have installed Flash plugin for firefox. I appreciate I can tell audio files to play in another player or even both Dewpalyer and another one but when it works in IE it looks cool. Anone any ideas?
I'm using it here http://www.tvcr.org.uk but I'd like to splash it all over if I can get this ironed out
sorry another question hot on the last one.
I've followed the instructions to hack the skin to point to the rss2_mplayer but I'm not sure what to do next. How would I offer a "Podcast" feed to site visitors. I want to make it as easy as possible for visitors. I thought feedburner might be the answer but I got the following error.
The feed address you entered includes an invalid leading or trailing character in the hostname. FeedBurner cannot resolve an address with leading or trailing punctuation. Try providing your feed's unique IP address to avoid this problem
The feed URL you entered is:http://www.tvcm.co.uk./blogradio/index.php?tempskin=_rss2_mplayer
We could not find a valid feed at that address. Here are some possible reasons this might have happened:
Is the feed valid? Confirm its validity now.
If you're using Blogger, Feed Validator may call your feed "obsolete" and generate a bunch of errors. This is because Blogger is using an older feed standard (Atom 0.3) and isn't a reason for concern. Learn more in the FeedBurner forums.
Hey all,
I'm trying to download this plugin, but I keep getting errors saying that it can't connect to the FTP server (the file I get ends up being an HTML error page). Does anyone know what's going on, or does anyone have this file on another server that I can get it from?
-- Edit: Never mind, it started working again Mon. morning.
I have installed the plugin, and have configured the settings correctly. all seems well, but the post does not play. The player displays, but does not find nor play the song.
To troubleshoot, I "viewed source" of the page, and copied the generated code and saved to an HTML file, which plays it fine.
[url=http://dreed07.com/]Blog Location[/url]
[url=http://dreed07.com/media/audio/test1.html]Working Standalone HTML Page[/url]
Any help would be appreciated. Cheers.
BTW: B2 Evo Version 1.10.2 and a user of the software since it was born. Just too illiterate to contribute anything of value....
Try changing this :
to this :
Thanks for the post. Thought I had tried that, guess I had tried absolute referencing.
Working now.
Has the link to the zip file been removed? I don't seem to see the link.
hi marhine,
it seems that this plugin has been deleted :(
As you can see in [url=]Google's cache[/url], there was a download link, but doesn't work anymore.
We'll have to find another way to include movies in our blog.
I have a copy of the plugin and I can tell you that it doesn't work too well.
it is really small and you can't do much with it
You can see a sample of an MP3 audio file here:
For playing movies, finding them in YouTube or Google works much better. There's, of course, a YouTube/Google Plugin in the plugins section.
Please - i can not find the attached file. Where can I download this plugin?
joolander wrote:
Please - i can not find the attached file. Where can I download this plugin?
The Video plugin is already available with your isnstall. Goto backoffice -> Global Settings -> Plugins -> Install new.
Good luck
Same problem as joolander.. I can't find the plugin.
Afwas, it's not available in my backoffice.
I'm using b2evo v 1.9.3.
Thanks for any help!
webolov.com wrote:
Same problem as joolander.. I can't find the plugin.
Afwas, it's not available in my backoffice.
I'm using b2evo v 1.9.3.Thanks for any help!
You should upgrade to 1.10.3
Good luck
Is there a plan to upgrade this plugin to 2.3.0 version?
Wat plugin do you mean Edgar?
The Video plugin is made for 2.x B)
[url=http://manual.b2evolution.net/Upgrade_from_1.10.x_to_2.0.x#List_of_plugins_that_are_known_to_work_in_2.2.0]Here[/url] is a list with plugins that are upgraded for 2.x.
Good luck
I meant the plugin to play MP3 Files which is the very first entry on this thread.
is there a way to play an MP3 via the video player?
Let' s call for ¥åßßå.
Where did you hide the AM Audio player. It' s not at http://www.innervisions.org.uk/babbles/2006/10/playing_with_a_new_toy/ where it' s supposed to be and searching for "audio" on your site gives "Sorry, there is no post to display...". Do you grasp the irony *display* when I want to *hear* something.
(It' s not at the AM site either)
ahhhhh, the dreaded trailing slash :( ( [url=http://innervisions.org.uk/babbles/2006/10/playing_with_a_new_toy]this one works[/url] ) ... all my installed plugins/widgets can be downloaded from my credits page ( [url=http://www.waffleson.co.uk/2007/10/credits]credits[/url] )
And this is the direct download link: http://waffleson.co.uk/pastel-palace/call_plugin.php?plugin_ID=98&method=download&am_plug=am_audio
Thanks ¥åßßå
I was calling the plugin like this:
<!--Media Player file:http://mySite.com/media/AveMaria.mp3-->
but this doesn't seem to work anymore. Could you tell us again how to use it in b2evo 2.3.0?
also the plugin help link doesn't work either:
I downloaded this plugin with great pleasure. It works a treat in 2.4.0! Cheers ¥.
I did have to delve into the code to find out how to use it (¥åßßå, some day you're gonna have to stick some clues on that help page of yours with the trailing slash) but here's what I found worked:
You need to change a few things in your blog global settings. For a start, you'll probably want to increase your upload limit if you're uploading your mp3s with the built-in media manager - 96kb is a pretty puny mp3. I upped mine to 2048kb.
Then you'll need to teach b2evo about mp3 files. Go Global settings > File types > New file type and enter the appropriate details. MIME type is audio/mpeg. Forget the icon unless you really want to be bothered, and leave the browser to handle it.
Then, the magic begins. Assuming you've installed the new plugin and spent ages gawping at the huge number of configurable display options, which are self-explanatory, you'll need to include the following code in your post where you want the player to appear:
<!-- amAudioPlayer http://FullPathToYourFile/file.mp3 -->
I couldn't make it work with an abbreviated path, so I'm not sure if a full path is always necessary - apparently in the original 1 Pixel Out plugin it wasn't so probably I've just not worked that one out yet.
Good luck!
filthio wrote:
(¥åßßå, some day you're gonna have to stick some clues on that help page of yours with the trailing slash)
Is the one without a trailing slash ( [url=http://innervisions.org.uk/babbles/2006/10/playing_with_a_new_toy]http://innervisions.org.uk/babbles/2006/10/playing_with_a_new_toy[/url] ) more informative? :roll:
I believe 2.4 now has a "podcast" ability, but it spits out loads of invalid code ... guess I need to go sweep that one up. I really don't know if the rss feeds have enclosures yet, although I know it's on the menu ... *adds to "to check" list*
Although my plugin got dragged into this thread it's not the one that the thread was originally about, it was just summat I was toying with .... it does have shedloads of settings though ;)
btw. the urls are either relative to your skin or the plugins folder, I think ;)
Thanks, ¥, I'll try that relative URL thing. You might want to amend the trailing slash thing in the source file of the plugin, too. I guess I could have started a new thread to be polite but every relevant search is going to bring an enquirer to this thread - I know coz i tried them.
I was interested in using the shiny new podcast thingy on 2.4 but I couldn't find any guidance, nor work it out by fiddling, and your plugin seems to do everything I want anyway (I'm not bothered about RSS directly). It also looks quite spiffy on the page, so cheers for that.
If you have any ideas about where to find out about the native podcast function, do say.
Remind me to send you a copy of the relative links plugin that works with 2.4 ;)
I did have a hack to resolve the trailing slash links, guess I need to re-apply it :P
The native podcast function appears to work like this :
1) Select "podcast" as your post type
2) enter the full url of your mp3 in the "link to url" field
3) press save
I just upgraded to 2.4, and can't get this mediaplayer to work. I'm trying to have an audio fragment below a post.
I have told it that we're using .mp3 files.
I have inserted the HTML as follows:
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.ornstein.org/dewplayer.swf?mp3=_FILE_" width="200" height="20"><param name="movie" value="http://www.ornstein.org/dewplayer.swf?mp3=_FILE_" /></object>
I've set "apply rendering to "always".
What's wrong?
Do you mean that you are attempting to enter that code in a post? If so, you don't need to: the plugin will render all the surrounding code for you.
If you mean you are trying to enter the code into a skin so the same clip appears after every post, that's a different thing - this answer won't apply to you.
Assuming your plugin is installed correctly, you only need enter the following code into your post edit box, where you want the mp3 player to occur - in your case at the very end of the post, I guess.
<!-- amAudioPlayer http://FullPathToYourFile/file.mp3 -->
If you have uploaded your file properly, replace 'FullPathToYourFile/file.mp3' with the full path to your mp3 file and its name.
If you want to test the plugin to see if it works, just enter some code that will refer to a mp3 you know exists, like this example:
<!-- amAudioPlayer http://www.pacdv.com/sounds/miscellaneous_sounds/paper_crumbling_1.mp3 -->
If this works for you, then the plugin is working correctly.
Does anybody have a problem with the music playing too fast?
That's more likely because of the encoding of your mp3 file. They are not all the same. Easiest solution is to try encoding the file at a different rate - if you're clever you can work it out, but I just try a few different ones until it sounds right. Use Audacity for a good free audio program that does all sorts of clever stuff.
It varies with browser. On some computers, it plays fine and on others, it's too fast.
Well that's interesting. I've never encountered that. I'd still suspect the symptom is caused by the MP3 file itself and not entirely the player. Does this problem occur with all MP3 files regardless of source, and is the speed difference always the same?
how can you specify a bunch of MP3 files (say folder/*.MP3) at once instead of one by one ?
*for deletion* :)
Im going to sound very nubby posting this but i cant for the life of me find the download for this plugin, can someone point me to it
protoaddict wrote:
Im going to sound very nubby posting this but i cant for the life of me find the download for this plugin, can someone point me to it
yea me either, a direct link would be helpful I think. saying it's attached means nothing to me
How do you use the Video plugin to place videos in your posts that aren't on YouTube or another video service? I don't want to use those, I simply want to put a flash video into my posts, and it looked like this plugin would have allowed me to do it, but I don't see how to make the Video plugin do this. There's no documentation I've been able to find.
Don't feel bad - I can't find the download link either - I even tried chanting the usual magical mumbo jumbo but the only thing that happened was that my pants caught fire again..
anyone have the link to this?
whats more if you do can you tell me if this works with the latest B2Evo?
Yes could someone please provide a download link for this plugin!! I don't feel like re-inventing the wheel today.
just for reference, here's [url=http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=fr_en&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alsacreations.fr%2Fdewplayer]the dewplayer page bablefished to english[/url].
now, i've got dew player working, and the plugin seems to work, but the rss2.php replacement fails to render a feed. instead, i get this error:
i'm using b2evo v 0.9.1
any suggestions? need any more info? thanks for helping people podcast with b2evolution, dewplayer, this mediaplayer, and the fact that you can easily upload to b2evolution makes a great combo.
as soon as i have this rss biznetz worked out :>
edit: i'm accessing this url to get the error: http://mp3death.us/a2g/xmlsrv/rss2.php?blog=2
edit2: i added this line to the 4ss2.php included in mediaplayer.zip
then the rss2.php worked and i at least see an enclosure in there. haven't tried hitting the url as a podcast yet B)