2 yabba Jun 14, 2006 12:03
This is not a feature request for the evocore, but a skin request.
News feeds are skins.
I haven't seen anywhere where this has been done, but wouldn't it make your subscribers mad to keep getting old stuff as 'new' when a post gets a comment? Plus since feeds are limited to a certain number of items it's possible the same post would show up as the only thing in the feed because of it getting quite a few comments.
Seems odd to me, but it could probably be done.
Well what I had in mind was instead of having a feed for posts and a feed for comments a single feed would be better for the subscribers because whenever there is a post they will get notified and whenever there is a comment on any of the posts they would get notified.
I'm sure that there is a way of displaying only new posts/comments.
Does anyone know how to do this?
I'm actually not sure wether you will be able to have 'unread' posts/comments in your rss feed, as the only way to do it would be via cookies, and their may be problems with the rss feeds and the cookies...
But just have a look at _recent.php in the skins folder (if memory serves correctly), and then merge that over with a new _rss skin. But you will not have the 'unread' functionality you're hoping for though....
are you sure its going to be under skins and not xmlsrv folder with the rss.php..etc files?
The feed will be used for rss readers.
I tried looking at rss.php and rss.coments.php to see if I could combine the 2 but i could'nt get it working.
I think the way to do it would be to look at rss.php and rss.comments.php and find a way to combine the while loop from both files so it looks for new posts/comments or last 50 posts/comments. I know its easier said then done, but i think that would be the way to do it.
Unless there is a easier/better way to do it.
In the meantime i'll have a look at the skins to see if there is a way
Sorry my bad, v0.9 series a are a bit different from the phoenix version.
Yeh, i can't really help you out then, as i only use the phoenix versions, think EdBs switched over as well.
Either way it's the same problem: what is the first item in the feed? If it's posts then it's the newest post. Comments are not part of the post (even though in our minds they are), so a new comment will not tell post aggregators there is a reason to look at the old post. Same for comments only flipped around.
So in the "list of items" that feeds give to feed readers how would you list things? Would you say "this post from a month ago is now new because it has a new comment"? I'm thinking this is what you want, but until then it's impossible to think of the hackage required.
OFF TOPIC: Moving the feed generators to a "skin" was - near as I can tell - pointless. I'm sure there is some really good reason why it now takes a couple of files to do the job that one file previously did, but I sure can't guess what it is.
Well what i think he wants is just a merged comments and posts thing.
So he would cycle through the comments append 5 (5 will be how many items in our feed), to an array. (Sort by date (Desc))
Then he would cycle through the posts, and for each post that is newer than one of the comments in the array he would add the post and remove a comment. Bad description, but hopefully you get it.
Actually looking at my cvs build's _rss skin it does this already....
You just need to have $disp has 'comments'.
But that will display recent comments first then the recent posts, instead of a merged listing.
So yeh all you would do is append the recent comments to an array, and then append the recent posts to the array, and then sort the array by date (desc), then trim it to the size you want. At least i think it's that simple....
Although everything i'm saying here is for the v1.8-beta (and possibly v1.6-alpha) releases.
Please don't make the same post multiple times (I've deleted your original as this forum is more appropriate for your request).