2 balupton Jul 10, 2006 13:38

I did notice a few function changes. Glad to hear there aren't many. I might tackle a conversion myself then.
Well I'm glad I took your word for it.
Got my 1.6 templates running now on my blog. It didn't take much work at all. A matter of a few minutes.
Hopefully I've not missed anything major. The basic functionality is there anyway and comments work. I guess I'll solve any further problems as I hit them.
But for those thinking about converting their current 1.6 skins, go right ahead, it's really easy. Just a few find and replaces needed really for things such as permanent links.
The main things that you need to make sure you include are the new triggers for plugins in _main.php and _feedback.php, you can find them all in the custom skin
From 1.6 to 1.8 isn't that hard at all. As ¥åßßå says it's mostly plugin triggers.
I've got a half-baked "do this then that" which I'll turn into a tutorial. Soon!
EdB wrote:
From 1.6 to 1.8 isn't that hard at all. As ¥åßßå (aka "the crazy Australian") says it's mostly plugin triggers. I've got a half-baked "do this then that" which I'll turn into a tutorial. Soon!
Post it in the WIKI!!! - You know you want to ;)
Yeah the wiki. Manuwiki or wikiual is the big question. In fact the "0.9.2 to 1.6" will become the "0.9.2 to 1.8" in the wiki, and eventually we can do up a "1.6 to 1.8" for the few who may need it.
EdB, I'm not sure if you were planning to mention stub files, but they also need some updating. I had to change the last line of code in my stub files (v1.6) from this:
require dirname(__FILE__).'/evocore/_blog_main.inc.php';
to this:
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/conf/_config.php';
require $inc_path.'_blog_main.inc.php';
Everything else was unchanged.
Nate wrote:
EdB, I'm not sure if you were planning to mention stub files, but they also need some updating.
I was going to tell people to not even look there, but now that you let the secret out I'll include that detail ;)
Topanga I'm sorry but the Link-A-Word plugin is going to have to wait until we can get a skins conversion guide out there. In fact even a public release of the CC License plugin is going to wait, so it's not just the one you want that's in limbo.
EdB wrote:
Topanga I'm sorry but the Link-A-Word plugin is going to have to wait until we can get a skins conversion guide out there. In fact even a public release of the CC License plugin is going to wait, so it's not just the one you want that's in limbo.
I'll have to deal with it I suppose...;)
I'll clean this topic a bit and delte all not-on-topic-talk
The conversion from 1.6 to 1.8 skins is simple, their has just been a few name changes and alternative functions that you need to you.
You can just comapre the 1.6 skins with 1.8 skins and you should be able to figure it out.
But you should see a lot of new skins in a month as 1.8 will be released in a few weeks...