2 john Jul 14, 2006 00:38

LOL ... glad you like. I didn't know you posted code on your stylishly hip site? 8|
I'm using PHP5 and I'm getting this errors:
When installed:
Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property am_code_plugin::$am_default has no effect in /home/gamenws/public_html/plugins/am_code_plugin/_am_code.plugin.php on line 50
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/gamenws/public_html/plugins/am_code_plugin/_am_code.plugin.php:50) in /home/gamenws/public_html/inc/VIEW/_menutop.php on line 39
When not installed:
Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property am_code_plugin::$am_default has no effect in /home/gamenws/public_html/plugins/am_code_plugin/_am_code.plugin.php on line 50
I'm using the latest from: http://b2evo.astonishme.co.uk/index.php/2005/12/30/display-code-plugin
EDIT: I removed the plugin from my blog temporarily.
Thanks for catching that, I've updated the zip, but you just need to delete line 50 ;)
got it. thanks!
works great :D
Works a treat. 5 stars