2 edb Jul 16, 2006 06:44
Thanks. I am glad there is some stupid-proof check in place :)
While waiting on the super fast reply you provided I conveniently reported one of my other sites. I had so many referers so I guess I can live with the two mistakes.
How do you want me to send the domains - by pm or email?
Thanks again for the fast response.
What's wrong with just posting them here? PM will do I guess.
Guess I figured that you would get it faster :)
Thanks again for all your help.
Not really. I usually check my PMs when I someone in the moderators forum tells me I should do that, or when I ask someone to take something to PM because I think I'll need their password or whatever. I've found that if I work through PMs no one else gets the benefit of shared knowledge.
Whatever. I'll get there.
No way. It takes at least 10 reports from different reporters over a reasonably short period of time to get banned. Or a bunch of different subdomains with a couple of different reporters each. Let me know the domain name and I'll remove the report so it won't even be in the database anymore.
I've often thought there should be a way for it to say "this domain was reported by itself so let's assume it's a mistake and not bother logging it", but it doesn't happen that often so . . .