2 yabba Jul 16, 2006 09:49

Can you explain what CC is?
OOPS! [url=http://creativecommons.org/]Creative Commons[/url].
The 'backwards compatible' thing is because the nice people at cc decided to upgrade all the licenses to 2.5 after Daniel Morrison made [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=2745]the first version[/url] of this plugin. He did most of all of what goes on in there. I added creating 2.5 licenses and supporting 2.0s, and the option to use slightly customized text in the license. This time around I made it be 1.8 friendly and moved all the "hack the plugin to customize it" into the stuff that shows up when you click the plugin name. Plus some stuff. I sort of wish I had held off on releasing this until I either came up with a few different custom texts or created the ability for the admin to customize the text, but I didn't. That's what revs are all about eh?
So yeah: ¥åßßå (aka the flying MothMan) gets a hat tip in the blog post and the plugin. Cruising through the code, I can easily see what Daniel did and where I left my fingerprint, AND where ¥åßßå's help got the 1.6 version off the ground. This time around some direct assistance helped me move forward, and some clues in a PMd file were the cats meow relative to ratcheting up the plugin's settingness. (Normally I use "the t**s n****e" but that's not forum-friendly!)
Anyway CC is creative commons. I'll change the name of this thread if I can.
Yay I'm in an EdB plugin, I'm gonna be rich, I'm gonna be famous, I'm gonna be ..... urm ..... errrr ....... ack, summat else :D
*raises glass* cheers ;)