2 edb Jul 17, 2006 16:38
How about a tad of expansion on that (which should work with multiblogs)
if( file_exists( dirname(__FILE__).$case.$Blog->ID.'.php' ) )
include dirname(__FILE__).$case.$Blog->ID.'.php' );
} elseif ( file_exits( dirname(__FILE__).$case.'_default.php' ) )
include dirname(__FILE__).$case.'_default.php' );
I use something similar on my own blog ( which I really really really need to upgrade to 1.8 :p )
*Customer notice : The accuraccy of my syntax is inversely proportional to the alcahol level in my blood stream
Trying to understand Y's code, I can see it is an expansion though I still don't understand much about the codes before .$case.$Blog->ID. :p
I mean, where will the code get the dirname and __FILE__ ? (sorry my php knowledge is still limited)
And if I understand it correctly $case will call the one in EdB's code right?
Thanks ^^
I do tend to post condensed answers huh :p
$case is your "block" (ie/ sidbar, top, bottom etc). To use it you create something like sidebar1.php sidebar2.php sidebar_default.php etc.
Then, in your sidebar you put the following code :-
$case = 'sidebar';
if( file_exists( dirname(__FILE__).$case.$Blog->ID.'.php' ) )
include dirname(__FILE__).$case.$Blog->ID.'.php' );
} elseif ( file_exits( dirname(__FILE__).$case.'_default.php' ) )
include dirname(__FILE__).$case.'_default.php' );
What will happens is the code will look for the relevant sidebar##.php for the blog the page is displaying, if it's not there then it'll try and load sidebar_default.php instead.
You then do the same for top, bottom etc and use the same code (except you change $case = to match).
In one skin in any location you can do something like this (though my syntax might be off because I'm winging it):
If you have a constantly changing number of blogs it's no good, but if you have a fixed number it'll work.
Heck you could even use "require blahblahblah._head_block_bit.php" (copy the real way to do it from where your linkblog is linked!) then create a file called _head_block_bit.php and put the switch above in it. That'll keep your skin file looking nice and let you easily tweak bits and pieces of each block file.
Just a thought is all!