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1 Aug 05, 2006 11:42    

Hi Guys,

im new to b2evo and its great.
i wanted to adjust it to my needs and what i need is that the posts open in a new window. therefore ive already added target="blank" to the permalinks which is no problem as its a usual html code and i can get the url with permanent_url().

now i wanted to do the same for the link in the title of a post. no problem again, when its a permalink. but when its an external link theres the following code:

if( $Item->get('url') ) {

Is it possible to only get the external url of the title with a function so that i can add it in a normal html a href with target="blank"?

thanks for your help!


2 Aug 05, 2006 19:04

You can get the external URL through $Item->get('url') (as shown above).

Perhaps I've misunderstood your question.. :D

3 Aug 05, 2006 19:15

hi and thanks for your answer.
ive alredy tried it that way:

<a href="<?php $Item->get('url') ?>" title="<?php echo T_('Permanent link to full entry') ?>"><?php $Item->title( '', '', false ); ?></a>

but that doesnt work. it then links to the skin folder: skins/myskin.

any idea?

4 Aug 05, 2006 19:24

Use either "echo $Item->get('url')" or "$Item->disp('url', 'raw')" instead - "$Item->get('url')" just returns it and you have to add "echo" in front of it to display/output it.

5 Aug 05, 2006 19:37

works fine. thanks a lot!

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