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1 Aug 10, 2006 22:49    

what i would like to do is embed my blog into a table on my website... sort of a section for news and updates.


im totally new to b2e and php as well so i dont know really how to get that done. ive been searching the forums looking at other tutorials, but im still not clear where the editing needs to be done to achieve this.

should i copy/paste the php for the actual post from _main.php and paste it into the where i want it in my index.html file for the main index page of my site? or what?

do i use virtual includes or an iframe? or what?

anyways, any help would be really appreciated!!!

thanks in advance to everyone!

2 Aug 12, 2006 20:09

I kind of did this on my page i think check out the home page displays the most recent post in this case. I Used to have it display more but changed it to just a single post. Is this what you're looking for?

3 Aug 30, 2006 22:41

Yes, how did you do it? Either as a separate page on a website, keeping the site's banner image at the top. Better yet, placing one or more blogs into columns/zones of a single home page.

Any help would be appreciated!

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