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1 Aug 18, 2006 05:29    

Here is my blog:

Recently I'm trying to set those text for posts to align justified. I have set the text justify code in the .bText of the style sheet so it becomes:

.bText {
margin: 0 1ex 0;
text-align: justify;

But then I found out that the text justify cannot be applied to all posts on my blog. All posts there are justified successfully except the first 2 posts. No matter what I did to it (including the method that I manually add <p align="justify"> when I edit the post) it still remain like that. So that's the 1st question.

Another question is, I'm a Firefox user, but I have tried to use IE also to view my blog, and IE just simply ignore the justify proerty... :> That's the 2nd question.

Is there any method to fix the problem? Many thanks in advance who try to save me from the hell... :oops:

(P.S. I'm using b2evo v 1.8-beta and my blog's skin is just modified from the nifty corners)

2 Aug 18, 2006 23:12

try this;

.bText {
magin: 0 1ex 0 !important;
text-align: justify !important;

should be right if memory serves correctly, if not just modify the display of the btext object so it is style="blah".

Both these fixes are not the good way of fixing it, but they will do.

3 Aug 19, 2006 03:21

I have tried both methods but still the same as any other possible fix? :oops:

Thanks balupton! :)

4 Aug 19, 2006 04:39

If directly setting the style via a attribute (style="blah") doesn't work, then something is wrong, as that should always work, and overwrite everything else.

I just looked at your site and yeh it's definitly set.

So it's getting set, but your not getting the desired effect.

I can't really help much more....

Btw, seeing your a firefox user, i would recomend the 'Web Developer' extension and the CSSViewer extension, they'll help for this.

5 Aug 19, 2006 04:55

Ok I will try to figure out by myself and see if there is any method to fix it.

Thanks balupton!

6 Aug 20, 2006 11:04

Just tried again by using a new copies of Nifty Corner and try again but still no success...

In CSSViewer I can see it is set to be justified, but in fact still not justified for that 2 posts only. And in IE no post is being justified...

I decided to give up on that problem...

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