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1 Sep 23, 2006 10:44    


I suggest the automatic serch on first access if user came from a search engine with query strings.

Example: I search with gooogle " word1 word2" and indicates my blog, on access the blog redirects to URL " blog/?s=word1+word2&sentence=AND&submit=Search".

In this way there no problem on new post that shoft pages.



2 Sep 23, 2006 15:58

No way.. but you could hack that into your installation, of course.

But, unrelated to your "problem", what I think would be useful is a highlighting plugin that would highlight the search terms on the current page.

Anyway, I'd rather add the following to your skin to let the robots only index real pages (single posts):

        <meta name="robots" content="follow,<?php
                echo ( $disp == 'single' ? 'index' : 'noindex' );
                ?>" />

4 Sep 23, 2006 17:34

"Sorry, there is no post to display..." - is the post protected?

5 Sep 23, 2006 17:36

ooops missed your post, urm, the post should be public, but the plugin has stopped highlighting the answers :S


*ack* the post was "protected" just made it public, I need to work out what's stopped the highlighting working though :S

6 Sep 23, 2006 17:44


Your suggestion is a very good one!!

Some time ago, we wrote a plugin for the then-new v1.7 CVS version. That plugin highlighted the search terms (and also improved the search capabilities of b2evolution).

Unfortunately, it (at the moment) doesn't work with the latest v1.8.x versions (probably because of a function name has changed :> ). We'll get it sorted, as we have an ace programmer looking into it, even as I write this.

HOWEVER ... in response to your question about Google. I think that's a GREAT suggestion. It seems to me that what we could do (as an enhancement to the search Highlight plugin) is test to see if the referrer is Google (or any of the other major search engines ... maybe even make it a user-defined dealie) ... then pass the search URL parameters on to the search highlight plugin and have it highlight THOSE terms in the page(s) that the visitor sees!

In other words ... YES, I think this can be done!

Hope this helps.

7 Sep 23, 2006 17:45

@blueyed, just updated the plugin (used RenderTextAsHtml previously) so you should find it now works :D


8 Sep 23, 2006 20:21

stk, what you describe is fine.

However, mbmichele meant to redirect to a search results page with the query from Google.

Imagine: a user searches for foobar at google and finds a post.. then, when he clicks the link he gets the results, as if he had searched for "foobar" on the blog and probably does not get what he wants.

The reason, why this might be an improvement though, is that the post has moved away from the page since Google indexed it, e.g. if it was on the homepage before.

The real solution to this problem would be to not let search engines index your posts, except those permalink ones.

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