2 topanga Oct 07, 2006 14:09

Hello and thanks for your reply.
I'm not using the 1.82 version, I'll try it, thanks.
For now, I'm using the 1.81. About spam, it's a lot for me (something like 10 or 20 messages everyday. Some other days, none...).
im using that version
and its pretty good against spam
all days u have like 700 more new trackbacks to confirm
and the spam words doesnt have more that 4 words
so its hard to erase all
today i erase 12.000 trackbaks that were spam :S
Why do you use trackback ???
Do you have valid trackbacks ?
Topanga wrote:
Why do you use trackback ???
Do you have valid trackbacks ?
Valid trackbacks? I am having this same issue with trackback spam and from what I have seen there are no options to check if its a valid trackback
Using the basic_antispam plugin allows checking if the trackback really is a clip from a web that links you, but I think spammers figured that out and simply fake the credentials.
I think what Topanga meant was "do you get trackbacks that are real trackbacks from real people doing a trackback?". If you're not getting those then why not just disable trackbacks via your 'Blog settings' tab in your back office?
Ahhh ok, I have just disabled the trackbacks. Personally I don't get much traffic and I don't really expect much. But it would be nice to have this feature activated if there was a way to block all these spambots.
If you have installed 1.8.2, I can't imagine that you have to mutch spam.
the 1.8.x serious are real spam-killers..; Try them..
If you have installed and are using 1.8.2, then you can come back