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1 Nov 01, 2006 09:08    

I am wondering if I edited a skin for my main blog how would I keep the other users from using the modified skin. Guess I am confused as to how that works. In other words if I edit a skin and add something on the side bar, I assume that the other users would see the same thing if they selected that skin. Basically if I modify a skin I don't want the new blog users to have access to the modified skin, but still want them to be able to select other skins. Appreciate any help here.


2 Nov 01, 2006 12:30

The following code will be usefull;

<?php if ( $blog == $some_blog ) { ?>
<strong>The stuff that you want to display for the blog $some_blog will be shown here</strong>
<?php } else { ?>
<strong>The stuff that you want to display for all other blogs is shown here</strong>
<?php } ?>

That would be the best way in my opinion to do what you want as you are only doing minor changes i believe.

If you are doing bigger changes just add the following the start of your skin's main.php file

<?php if ( $blog == $some_blog ) { require(dirname(__FILE__)./hiddenskin/_main.php'); die; } ?>

And then have your hidden skin in; /skins/baseskin/hiddenskin/

Should all be good, of course replace $some_blog with whatever the blog id is of the blog you want to display the hidden stuff for.

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