2 amoun Mar 31, 2021 20:54

Thanks for your feedback.
That's strange. On one hand, .htaccess
is indeed also setting that flag, but it sets it to the same value:
php_value error_reporting E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
php_flag display_errors Off
Also, when I call phpinfo()
I see that the value is 32759
flag is not set in this case). So that's still puzzling.
I made a somewhat unusual observation - the notices are shown when I view the article in the back-office UI, but they are not shown when the post is published and viewed from the public's perspective.
Thanks for your feedback.
Also, when I call
I see that the value is32759
flag is not set in this case). So that's still puzzling.
I made a somewhat unusual observation - the notices are shown when I view the article in the back-office UI, but they are not shown when the post is published and viewed from the public's perspective.
Maybe when you're accessing the back office there's another htaccess
Thanks for your feedback.
Also, when I call
I see that the value is32759
See https://maximivanov.github.io/php-error-reporting-calculator/
EDIT: There are two values shown via phpinfo and I have
Local Value > 30711 and Master Value > 22517
So 30711 is set by b2evo, but I'm not yet looking for where :)
Sorry for the multiple posts but I'm working through this bit by bit..
I just want to add that the 30711 was due to me setting [php_flag display_errors On] in the htaccess in the /conf to see if it was all working OK
Now it's 30719 :)
Ok my root htacces has
# You may want to turn the following to Off on production servers
# Please do this only if you know what you're doing and will be able to retrieve potential errors from your error log
php_flag display_errors On
# The following is the same as 'E_ALL & ~ E_STRICT' (except those constants may not be available here)
php_value error_reporting 30719
Maybe you have some old htaccess file hanging around?
Ok I've been looking at the hph error notification so far and don't use the markdown plugin
I've now installed the markdown plugin fo 7.2.3 which from checking seems the same as the one for 7.2.2
Do you get the notice even with a simple text as
That produces no error for me
Ok I can now confirm I have a different problem with using the markup plugin, it seems to mess up my layout, like a closing div is missing. I'll update this post with more info.
~ After deleting the post the problem changed
~ After disabling the plugin the problem return as it was originally
~ After uninstalling the plugin it is still there
I'm going to check the html page source via Firefox to see If I can find what has changed
~ I now seem to have a stray closing div tag added before the closing body tag ??
OK This problem wasn't related and was a simple html error?? but didn't show up until I messed with the markup plugin ??
Most likely a cache issue and not related to the plugin at all.
So will reinstall the plugin and create a test post to use it again :)
Is there some other place where the setting might be overridden in the code of b2evolution or some of its plugins?
Apart from an htaccess file