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1 Aug 07, 2016 17:26    

V 6.7.4
I'm happy to make a new widget or maybe add the options to the current one.

Whereas I would like the date as a general option I would have the [edit] only available for logged in members

Where to start?

2 Aug 07, 2016 21:39

I really don't know what you mean. Can you post a screenshot with annotations?

3 Aug 07, 2016 22:39

Sorry no screen shot
Under each Post/Topic title in column widget simple_post_list I would like something like:
So in the widget I would like check boxes to enable date to be added to each item in the list and
one for and edit button so I don't have to open the post to edit

Maybe it's just me but I update my posts mutiple timers


5/08/16 [edit]
Old Post
4/08/16 [edit]
Older Post
3/08/16 [edit]


4 Aug 07, 2016 23:14

Universal Item List Widget extensions:

  • Date has been requested 1 or 2 times.
  • The edit link has never been requested before.

The main problem here is that the number of things people may want to add is virtually endless.

And once we have added 100 things, people will complain that they are not in the right order for them.

Thus we will have to come up with something a bit more customizable. This is part of our design considerations for b2evolution 7.0.

5 Aug 07, 2016 23:19

OK Thanks
I had a quick look at the widgets but couldn't get an idea of where to insert code after each tile
but thought inserting the date shouldn't be much of an issue

Thanks again

6 Aug 08, 2016 13:27

I can see the options rolling in
How about selecting by age
One widget could do 'This Week@
Another 'This Month'
and of course 'This year'

rather than going to the calendar or archive

Oh! maybe the archive widget can be modded to lists by date (modified) by period last week, last month

Just using the archive widget
Set to 6 posts : post by post : by date
but displays all posts??

7 Aug 26, 2016 03:03

Any pointers as to what file I could hack to insert date and edit button after title?
Will it require a new widget?

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