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1 Jan 01, 2016 01:53    

Hello Community,

I have just updated to the latest version of b2evolution and me, it is noticed that the external links by the system in my blog posts do not function.

It is, for example, such a link

Linked here is "FTP" as the link text and then leads nowhere.

How can you eliminate it or what it has to do, that the links are included incorrectly by the system?

Thank you in advance.

P.S. Links, which I myself insertion, function.

2 Jan 05, 2016 15:46

@alexl that happens when a link is added without the protocol section of the URL (i.e.: http://, https:// or just //).

How did you add those links in the first place?
Are they all located in the content of the posts or somewhere else in the page?

3 Jan 05, 2016 16:34

This links has added the system and they are always in the middle of it blogpost when certain terms appear in the text.

If I myself Link, then of course correct

Can be set anywhere as these automatic links to add it in the system?

4 Jan 07, 2016 00:52

Hum. I think there is a bug with the autolinks indeed.

Which exact version are you using please? "latest" can mean many things as versions are coming out all the time: 6.6.6, 6.6.7 or 6.7.0...

5 Jan 07, 2016 14:07

I also believe that it is a mistake. I now use the version 6.7.0 Alpha and previously in the version 6.6.7, there was this error also.

Maybe you can check it out even more accurate. Or I need to adjust something in the system?

6 Jan 26, 2016 03:23

The autolinks will be fixed in the next release. e-g: FTP .

7 Jan 26, 2016 03:48

Thank you, I'll stay patient and wait long;)

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