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1 Jan 23, 2007 17:17    

Ok, I have b2e running but it seems to be that I am having some minor issues, I dont know if it was designed to work how it is or if im doing something wrong, if you dont mind, can you post a link to your blog for me to see how it all works, ex. the login process, post blogs, etc.. Thanks

BTW, the image below, does a regular user suppose to have the "blog settings" tab because he change my blog settings. Thanks

2 Jan 23, 2007 17:21

There are always links to blogsat the homepage of b2evolution. Check a few out to see what is possible with b2o.

If you (administrator) look at your site, b2o knows it's you (there's a cooky). A really new visitor sees a slightly different page (no edit of posts, for example.)


3 Jan 23, 2007 17:34

thanks GL, I was a bit shocked when I seen the same settings for admin/regular user. One question that I haven't got a reply on was, say that I wanted to post a topic/blog in a category, how can this be done because the only method for me is loging in with a regular user, then type in admin.php since its cached, then click on the "write" tab then save. Is this the only method?


4 Jan 23, 2007 22:21

I guess it depends on your skin. If your skin doesn't display the admin-menu, you need to manually enter it.

5 Jan 23, 2007 22:29

Asking a question once is generally considered enough times. If someone knows the answer they'll answer it, otherwise asking again half an hour later is unlikely to get you anywhere.

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