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1 Jan 23, 2007 16:51    

Hi, I wanted to know why registered users have admin rights or is it just me. For example, a user logins in normally, and after he does, he access the admin page in his url ex. and there he gets all the settings, why is that and how can registered users be able to blog aka post topics?

2 Jan 23, 2007 16:55

sorry, i have just answered my own question, I see how this works but what I don't understand is, is theres another method where a registered user can post? For example, say that there is a category named "Current Issues" and he wants to post a new topic/blog, how can he do that without going on the admin.php and writing a post?

3 Jan 23, 2007 22:28

You've asked the same question in three different threads?!?!?!

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