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1 Feb 18, 2008 19:41    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

How do I remove the footer link to "Low cost hosting" I am not going to publish this with a link to my competition.

It is simply not cool to have this in the footer hen I am the host.

2 Feb 18, 2008 19:50

/conf/hacks.php ( create the file if it doesn't exist ) :

$credit_links = array( array( '', 'Coolest blog software on the planet' ), array( '', 'My Company' ) );

or just delete them from your skin ;)


3 Jul 03, 2008 07:19

I did this and I get this error..

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/v/j/2/******/html/blog/conf/hacks.php:3) in /home/content/v/j/2/******/html/blog/inc/skins/_skin.funcs.php on line 383

I am rinning the /b2evo_ru skin.

b2e 2.4.2

And what is Really WIERD ABOUT THIS I TOOK IT OUT, (the bottom footer web host, prior to trying this) (then I tried the above and got that error) with another post instuctions on here, But now it is back? (so I tried the above) But the one that I had at the footer was only the b2evolutions link, Now the webhost is back and b2evolutions is gone? I did nothing,,

NOW it changed to: Contact • ©2008 by admin • • blog engine • cheap hosting • adsense AND I DID NOTHING! is someone hacking this?

as did nothing to change anything except, I tried the above file, but I took that file out as it caused that error.

Ok that sounds confusing..

Step 1:
I read another post on here how to take out the footer web hosting "SPAM" stuff.
And it worked.

Step 2. a few days later, IT is all back! at the footer, and b2evolutions link in the footer is gone.

Step 3.
I tried the above hacks.php file
I got that error.

Step 4
I took that file out, blog back to normal.

Step 5
Now at the footer it says.
Contact • ©2008 by admin • • blog engine • cheap hosting • adsense

WHAT is going on?

Ok 10 mins later now it says...
Contact • ©2008 by admin • • multiple blogs • web hosts

I will leave the b2evolutions, which is now gone? I want the SPAM web Hosts, multiple blogs removed. and 2008 by admin? How do we change the word ADMIN to whatever we want.

4 Jul 25, 2008 03:26

been a month any replies?

5 Jul 25, 2008 04:20

From your skin take out this piece:

			// Display additional credits:
 			// If you can add your own credits without removing the defaults, you'll be very cool :))
			// Please leave this at the bottom of the page to make sure your blog gets listed on
			credits( array(
					'list_start'  => ' &bull; '.T_('Credits').': ',
					'list_end'    => ' ',
					'separator'   => '|',
					'item_start'  => ' ',
					'item_end'    => ' ',
				) );

and replace it by an HTML link to the B2evolution website and whatever you want to link to.

Good luck

6 Jul 25, 2008 10:19

You also may have had "white space" in your conf/hacks.php file. Meaning extra stuff of any kind including spaces before the opening <? and after the closing ?>. Oh and a blank line after the closing ?> counts as extra stuff.

Another minor point that might matter is that you should use an editor that is friendly with php files. Stuff like Microsloth Word is not good for this. Stuff like notepad is very good for this. I'm not sure, but I think Dreamweaver MIGHT be guilty of adding extra stuff depending on how you have it set up. FrontPage probably adds extra stuff too.

But yeah just editing the skin works really well :)

For those not into editing a skin, creating the hacks.php file works as well but does require a file editor that will do the job without adding extra stuff ... and not manually adding extra stuff yourself.

Final thought: I think the reason you saw a delay of a few days is because it magically caches what it shows there. Meaning if you don't correct that spam-like feature it'll show you different bogus links every now and then.

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