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1 Feb 19, 2008 22:48    

My b2evolution Version:2.4.0-rc2

Hey there, the last comments widget works but is not translated. It displays <AUTHOR> on <POSTING>, but I want it to display <AUTHOR> zu <POSTING>.
No big deal, I thought and changed in _coll_comment_list.widget.php on line 156

echo T_( 'on ' );


echo T_( 'zu ' );

But my blog still keeps displaying on. Any hints?

Kind regards, pgs

2 Feb 20, 2008 00:39

Hi pgs,

This is the not so formal way of solving the problem but it should work.
Try reloading the plugins or Delete prerendered item cache.

Good luck

3 Feb 20, 2008 01:17

You're right, I now added an entry in my locales file. I just went the unusual way because before that entry seemed not to work and so i decided to go to the first code level available.
Actually, deleting the cache solved the problem and is one thing I have to to bear in mind in the future.

Thank you.

Kind regards, pgs

4 Feb 20, 2008 16:30

Ah yes, in spanish appears as <AUTHOR> el <POSTING> when it should be <AUTHOR> en <POSTING>. And the problem is that _T('on ') is correctly translated as el when we speak about a date (the way it's marked in the PO file), but not when we speak about a place, in which case it has to be en.

In english there seems to be no difference, so my newly created es_VE localization package is giving me trouble here. I'll have change it manually and remember about it the next time I upgrade. Or is there a workaround that doesn't imply changing the source code?

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