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1 May 07, 2008 06:10    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I have v 2.4.0-rc2 running one blog. I have it running but the only requirement is nested comments. I have the latest plugin and can't get it to work. I am new to PHP and would appreciate any help.

Here is my feedback.php

 * This is the template that displays the feedback for a post
 * (comments, trackback, pingback...)
 * You may want to call this file multiple time in a row with different $c $tb $pb params.
 * This allow to seprate different kinds of feedbacks instead of displaying them mixed together
 * This file is not meant to be called directly.
 * It is meant to be called by an include in the template.
 * To display a feedback, you should call a stub AND pass the right parameters
 * For example: /blogs/index.php?p=1&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1
 * Note: don't code this URL by hand, use the template functions to generate it!
 * b2evolution - {@link}
 * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2008 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
 * @package evoskins
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

<!-- ===================== START OF FEEDBACK ===================== -->

// Default params:
$params = array_merge( array(
		'disp_comments'        =>	true,
		'disp_comment_form'	   =>	true,
		'disp_trackbacks'	     =>	true,
		'disp_trackback_url'   =>	true,
		'disp_pingbacks'	     =>	true,
		'before_section_title' => '<h3>',
		'after_section_title'  => '</h3>',
    'comment_list_start'   => "\n\n",
    'comment_list_end'     => "\n\n",
    'comment_start'        => '<div class="bComment">',
    'comment_end'          => '</div>',
    'preview_start'        => '<div class="bComment" id="comment_preview">',
    'preview_end'          => '</div>',
    'comment_template'     => '',	// The template used for displaying individual comments (including 

		'form_title_start'     => '<h3>',
		'form_title_end'       => '</h3>',
	), $params );

global $c, $tb, $pb;

if( ! $Item->can_see_comments() )
{	// Comments are disabled for this post

if( empty($c) )
{	// Comments not requested
	$params['disp_comments'] = false;					// DO NOT Display the comments if not 

	$params['disp_comment_form'] = false;			// DO NOT Display the comments form if not requested

if( empty($tb) || !$Blog->get( 'allowtrackbacks' ) )
{	// Trackback not requested or not allowed
	$params['disp_trackbacks'] = false;				// DO NOT Display the trackbacks if not requested
	$params['disp_trackback_url'] = false;		// DO NOT Display the trackback URL if not requested

if( empty($pb) )
{	// Pingback not requested
	$params['disp_pingbacks'] = false;				// DO NOT Display the pingbacks if not requested

if( ! ($params['disp_comments'] || $params['disp_comment_form'] || $params['disp_trackbacks'] || 

$params['disp_trackback_url'] || $params['disp_pingbacks'] ) )
{	// Nothing more to do....
	return false;

echo '<a id="feedbacks"></a>';

$type_list = array();
$disp_title = array();

if( $params['disp_comments'] )
{	// We requested to display comments
	if( $Item->can_see_comments() )
	{ // User can see a comments
		$type_list[] = "'comment'";
		if( $title = $Item->get_feedback_title( 'comments' ) )
			$disp_title[] = $title;
	{ // Use cannot see comments
		$params['disp_comments'] = false;
	echo '<a id="comments"></a>';

if( $params['disp_trackbacks'] )
	$type_list[] = "'trackback'";
	if( $title = $Item->get_feedback_title( 'trackbacks' ) )
		$disp_title[] = $title;
	echo '<a id="trackbacks"></a>';

if( $params['disp_pingbacks'] )
	$type_list[] = "'pingback'";
	if( $title = $Item->get_feedback_title( 'pingbacks' ) )
		$disp_title[] = $title;
	echo '<a id="pingbacks"></a>';

if( $params['disp_trackback_url'] )
{ // We want to display the trackback URL:

	echo $params['before_section_title'];
	echo T_('Trackback address for this post');
	echo $params['after_section_title'];

	 * Trigger plugin event, which could display a captcha form, before generating a whitelisted URL:
	if( ! $Plugins->trigger_event_first_true( 'DisplayTrackbackAddr', array('Item' => & $Item, 'template' => 

'<code>%url%</code>') ) )
	{ // No plugin displayed a payload, so we just display the default:
		echo '<p class="trackback_url"><a href="'.$Item->get_trackback_url().'">'.T_('Trackback URL (right click and 

copy shortcut/link location)').'</a></p>';

if( $params['disp_comments'] || $params['disp_trackbacks'] || $params['disp_pingbacks']  )
	if( empty($disp_title) )
	{	// No title yet
		if( $title = $Item->get_feedback_title( 'feedbacks', '', T_('Feedback awaiting moderation'), T_('Feedback 

awaiting moderation'), 'draft' ) )
		{ // We have some feedback awaiting moderation: we'll want to show that in the title
			$disp_title[] = $title;

	if( empty($disp_title) )
	{	// Still no title
		$disp_title[] = T_('No feedback yet');

	echo $params['before_section_title'];
	echo implode( ', ', $disp_title);
	echo $params['after_section_title'];

	$CommentList = & new CommentList( NULL, implode(',', $type_list), array('published'), $Item->ID, '', 'ASC' );

        // Nested comments part 1 of 3
        $Plugins->call_by_code( 'amNestCmnt', array() );

	echo $params['comment_list_start'];
	 * @var Comment
	while( $Comment = & $CommentList->get_next() )
	{	// Loop through comments:

		// ------------------ COMMENT INCLUDED HERE ------------------
		skin_include( $params['comment_template'], array(
				'Comment'              => & $Comment,
			  'comment_start'        => $params['comment_start'],
			  'comment_end'          => $params['comment_end'],
			) );

               // Nested comments part 2 of 3  
               if ( $Item->can_comment( NULL ) )  
                 echo '<p class="replyTo"><a href="'.url_add_param( $Item->get_permanent_url(), 

'am_nestCmnt_reply_to='.$Comment->ID ).'#bComment_form_id_'.$Item->ID.'">Reply to <span>comment '.$Comment->ID.' by 

               // Nested comments part 3 of 3
                   <div class="bComment"<?php echo ( isset( $Comment->depth ) ? ' style="margin-left:'.( $Comment->depth * 

2).'em"' : '' );?>>

		// Note: You can customize the default item feedback by copying the generic
		// /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
		// ---------------------- END OF COMMENT ---------------------

	}	// End of comment list loop.
	echo $params['comment_list_end'];

	// _______________________________________________________________

	// Display count of comments to be moderated:
	$Item->feedback_moderation( 'feedbacks', '<div class="moderation_msg"><p>', '</p></div>', '',
			T_('This post has 1 feedback awaiting moderation... %s'),
			T_('This post has %d feedbacks awaiting moderation... %s') );

	// _______________________________________________________________

	// Display link for comments feed:
	$Item->feedback_feed_link( '_rss2', '<div class="feedback_feed_msg"><p>', '</p></div>' );

	// _______________________________________________________________


// ------------------ COMMENT FORM INCLUDED HERE ------------------
skin_include( '', array(
		'disp_comment_form'	 =>	$params['disp_comment_form'],
		'form_title_start'   => $params['form_title_start'],
		'form_title_end'     => $params['form_title_end'],
    'preview_start'      => $params['preview_start'],
    'preview_end'        => $params['preview_end'],
    'comment_template'   => $params['comment_template'],	// The template used for displaying individual comments 

(including preview)
	) );
// Note: You can customize the default item feedback by copying the generic
// /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
// ---------------------- END OF COMMENT FORM ---------------------

3 May 08, 2008 02:19

Nested Comments is done by ¥åßßå. Unfortunately he's often too busy to pack his plugins and write long articles about them and upload to several sites and such.

You find it [url=]here[/url] and it works in 2,x

Good luck

4 May 08, 2008 04:14

You find it here and it works in 2,x

That is were I got the plugin and code. The issue that I'm having is that when I use it, it leaves the original post but all the comments disappear. I'm sure it's how I'm putting the code in. Any ideas?

5 May 08, 2008 09:39

Completely untested, but try changing this section of your code :

while( $Comment = & $CommentList->get_next() )
	{	// Loop through comments:

		// ------------------ COMMENT INCLUDED HERE ------------------
		skin_include( $params['comment_template'], array(
				'Comment'              => & $Comment,
			  'comment_start'        => $params['comment_start'],
			  'comment_end'          => $params['comment_end'],
			) );

               // Nested comments part 2 of 3  
               if ( $Item->can_comment( NULL ) )  
                 echo '<p class="replyTo"><a href="'.url_add_param( $Item->get_permanent_url(), 

'am_nestCmnt_reply_to='.$Comment->ID ).'#bComment_form_id_'.$Item->ID.'">Reply to <span>comment '.$Comment->ID.' by 

               // Nested comments part 3 of 3
                   <div class="bComment"<?php echo ( isset( $Comment->depth ) ? ' style="margin-left:'.( $Comment->depth * 

2).'em"' : '' );?>>

        // Note: You can customize the default item feedback by copying the generic
        // /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
        // ---------------------- END OF COMMENT ---------------------

To this :

while( $Comment = & $CommentList->get_next() )
{	// Loop through comments:
	// Nested comments part 2 of 3
	if ( $Item->can_comment( NULL ) )
		$foo = '<p class="replyTo"><a href="'.url_add_param( $Item->get_permanent_url(),'am_nestCmnt_reply_to='.$Comment->ID ).'#bComment_form_id_'.$Item->ID.'">Reply to <span>comment '.$Comment->ID.' by </span>'.$Comment->get_author_name().'</a></p>';
		$foo = '';
	// Nested comments part 3 of 3
	$bar = '<div class="bComment"'.( isset( $Comment->depth ) ? ' style="margin-left:'.( $Comment->depth * 2).'em"' : '' );
	// ------------------ COMMENT INCLUDED HERE ------------------
	skin_include( $params['comment_template'], array(
	'Comment'              => & $Comment,
	'comment_start'        => $bar,
	'comment_end'          => '</div>'.$foo,
	) );

        // Note: You can customize the default item feedback by copying the generic
        // /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
        // ---------------------- END OF COMMENT ---------------------


6 May 22, 2008 13:59

Kewl! I may have to try this :D

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