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1 Dec 10, 2008 22:52    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x


I recently purchased the MCFileManager for TinyMCE and am trying to integrate it with b2evo... It's goes in as a plugin and has its own user/pass form (which can be swapped for something else), but I want it to integrate with the b2evo login so authorized users don't have to login again...

I was trying to set a $_SESSION var to store the current user level on the page(s) where I have TinyMCE integrated (not using the TMCE plugin) with something like (in /inc/items/views/_item_simple_form.php)

if ($current_User->level > 9) {
  $_SESSION['usrlvl'] = $current_User->level;

Yet the variable will not carry over to the MCFileManager plugin authentication script:

echo $_SESSION['usrlvl'];

Just as an example to output the session var.... Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?

Or perhaps someone has already implemented a plugin for this plugin to authenticate the b2evo users? Or know of another way to go about it?

Thanks for any assistance ;-)

2 Dec 15, 2008 22:43

Bump - redid title... I'm basically trying to get a plugin for my WYSIWYG editor to authenticate based on if b2 user is logged in or not...

It seems though that b2evolution is killing my $_SESSION var - how can I get it to not do this - or how can I pass the var to an outside script for authentication?

Any help is appreciated!

Related thread here:

3 Dec 16, 2008 22:20

where do you have session_start() before setting it in the b2 code?

4 Dec 16, 2008 22:52

Actually I don't have session statr (in _item_simple.form.php)... When I add one, i get headers already output there...

However - now I can out put the $_SESSION vars in the b2evo footer... However when I try to use them for authentication in a TinyMCE plugin they are empty... The Tinymce dev claims they aren't being destroyed by TinyMCE....

5 Dec 17, 2008 21:07

Hi all just an update - maybe will shed more light into the problem... But it seems either b2evo is nuking the sessions, or I am not accessing them correctly...

As a test, I set $_SESSION['usrlvl'] to some value in the edit page, then I have a link to a plain-jane .php page outside of the blog app (on same site of course), something to the effect of:

<? session_start();
echo 'usrlvl: '.$_SESSION['usrlvl'];

Does anyone know why this session var isn't being carried in or how I may access it outside of b2evolution...

Thanks for any help - desperate for an answer ;-)

6 Dec 18, 2008 12:56

You might be able to use function AdminAfterMenuInit() in a plugin to start the session, if not then you'll need to use $_COOKIES as evo doesn't use $_SESSION


7 Dec 18, 2008 16:11

Thanks for the reply.... Questions in bold...

Just so it's clear - here's what I need to accomplish... I need to be able to tell if the current logged in user is level 9 or above from a page outside of the /blogs/ directory...

My thought was I could simply set a $_SESSION var in the edit page(s) where I need this info passed then read that $_SESSION from an external page outside of /blogs/

Is the fact that the *cookie* domain is set to /blogs/ preventing me from seeing the $_SESSION vars outside of /blogs/ ? (I can't test cause anything in blogs tried to redirect)

As for cookies - it wasn't working at first, but I wasn't setting the path right... I can set and read the cookies, but I have to place it before anything is output.

How can I check the current user level and set the cookie before any output is made?

If all else failed I would have liked to just to be able to access $current_User->level outside of /blogs/. I try making an external file with:

require_once '../blogs/conf/_config.php';
require_once $inc_path.''; 
global $current_User;
echo $current_User->ID;

...but the object isn't recognized.

What is the method (if any) to access the $current_User outside of the /blogs/?

Thanks for the current and any future feedback. I feel like I'm missing something really stupid here...

8 Dec 18, 2008 17:52

1) no idea, I've never used sessions, but it sounds plausible

2) the function I referenced above will do that ( in a plugin )

3) I'm guessing you were right about #1 because you should have a $current_User;


9 Dec 18, 2008 17:54

Hi - I think I have this... Kind of a dumb mistakes, but I guess those are the once that take you hours to figure out.

My settings are such that session_autostart is off... and the place where I was putting the session start was apparently after output so it wasn't actually starting the session (though not giving me feedback that it wasn't started)

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