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1 Dec 10, 2008 22:35    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I attempted to name my blog and encountered a title length restriction. You can see it if you look at the source code on the General Parameters page in the admin section. The source shows a maxlength="50" on the blog_name label. I want my title to be longer, actually one character longer only. I've looked everywhere for this code so I can change it but I can't find it! It's making me looney.

Does anyone know where this code is so that I can change it?


2 Dec 11, 2008 10:15

/inc/collections/views/_coll_general.form.php ( approx 52 ) try changing the 50

	$Form->text( 'blog_name', $edited_Blog->get( 'name' ), 50, T_('Title'), T_('Will be displayed on top of the blog.') );

If that works then great, if not then you may need to edit a couple of other files and increase the field length in PMA


3 Dec 11, 2008 18:03

Thanks. It kind of works. I tried a could adjustments from 60 down to 51. This expands the field so I can type more however when I refresh or change pages and come back the title is truncated to 50 again even though I saved it.
Most curious. Any other direction?

4 Dec 11, 2008 18:37

¥åßßå wrote:

If that works then great, if not then you may need to edit a couple of other files and increase the field length in PMA

It's never the easy answer ... ok, chances are that you need to increase the field length in the database, using PMA or you DB tool of choice. You *may* also need to edit one of the core files ( urm, free-typed guess : /inc/collections/_collections.ctrl.php ) ... just search for a 50 and hope I get luckier than last time ;)


5 Dec 11, 2008 18:58

You are a star. The db edit was the trick.


6 Dec 11, 2008 19:03

yay, thank god it was easy answer #2 ... cos #3 would have been a "tomorrow" post :D


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