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1 Jul 26, 2004 06:00    

How can I put menu items at the top of my blog... like this..

3 Jul 26, 2004 11:39

or do mean the "DAEdmunds | Digital | Links" ?

this can be enabled in the backoffice (if supported by the skin)
go to the preferences of the blogs and look for "show public bloglist" or something like this - i don't know, how it's called in english.

4 Jul 26, 2004 18:35

No.. actually, I want to make the blog my home page and add menu items to it for other sections of the site... (not other blogs)

Like links, etc...

Which files do I edit?

5 Jul 26, 2004 19:03

I guess my question is.. how (and where) can I put good old HTML to make this thing do what I want...

I mean.. to add menu items on the top or side, a page counter, a page updated script.. things like that;.

6 Jul 28, 2004 23:51

I believe what you want can be found in the skins folder under the skin you're using. For example, if you're using the 'custom' skin then go to that folder. You'll most likely be adding your html to the _main.php file. That's the one that contains the layout of the page, and will allow you to tweak the sidebar and other things.

Hope that helps.

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