This involves modding some core files, so proceed at your own risk! These instructions apply to version, and may not be valid for other versions.
1. Run Apache, with mod_rewrite and extra path info. You must already be using extra path info (so your permalink URLs already look like stub/2004/07/25/url_title). This will also ONLY work if you're using stub files exclusively. The reason is that it won't be able to tell the difference between index.php/stub and index.php/url_title.
If you don't have this setup, it won't work, and there is no workaround at this time. I'm working on doing this in a cleaner fashion, without any mod_rewrite stuff, as it seems to do weird things to your referrals. (I'm getting a bunch from my own URL - it seems that every time the mod_rewrite happens, it logs a referrer hit from my own site!)
2. Put this in your .htaccess file:
RewriteEngine On
# Dateless permalinks: stub/url_title
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/([A-Za-z0-9_]+)$ $1/0000/00/00/$2
3. Create a file called "hacks.php" and put it in your conf folder. Put this in it:
if( !empty( $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] ) && strpos($ReqURI, $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) === false )
{ // Path Info not found in ReqURI.
// echo "\$ReqURI = $ReqURI";
// echo "\$ReqPath = $ReqPath";
4. Open up b2evocore/_class_item.php, on line 127, change it from this:
$permalink = url_add_tail( $blogurl, mysql2date("/Y/m/d/", $post_date).$urltail );
to this:
$permalink = url_add_tail( $blogurl, '/'.$urltail );
5. Just make sure that you're using the url_title permalinks, and you're all set! No more date in the URL.
Better way to do this:
1. Backup everything, and do everything in the other method, except for the .htaccess stuff.
2. Around line 117 of b2evocore/_blog_main.php, you'll find this
Change that to this:
Note that I added a section to handle the post title, if it's right after the stub name. Also, for some reason that I haven't yet found a clean way of doing, you need to test for those other options, as well as any other folder from which _blog_main.php might get called, or you'll get odd errors.
This makes the stats a lot cleaner than the mod_rewrite 0000/00/00 hackery.