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1 Aug 26, 2004 02:13    

On the page that aggregates all my blog posts and shows them all, I'm trying to make it display the name of the blog that the post belongs to.

For example, under the title a post says:
Categories: Blah, Blah, Etc.

I'd like it to say something like:
Blog: Blog A | Categories: Blah, Blah, Etc.

I've been scouring the forums, reading the docs, etc, but I can't seem to find it. Surely this is possible? You really think it'd be something like <?php $Item->blogname(); ?> - but no luck so far...

Thanks in advance for any pointers in the right direction!

2 Aug 26, 2004 10:25

I think you would need to get from $Item to Blog class somehow.
Since Item does not have blog_name.

Try somethings like using $Item->blog_id (or if there is get_blog_id(), use it) and then use the blog_id to find information (name) about the blog which is referenced by this id.

These are my thoughts. No time now to look at the code in depth and tell you how exactly to do this. I hope this helps a bit.

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