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1 Sep 02, 2006 07:23    

I was wondering how I can added statuses to my task list. I'd also like the due date to show up in the list.

I checked but didn't see any documents on this. I also tried searching the code. Any points in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.


2 Sep 02, 2006 09:58

1/ admin > app settings > post statuses there's a box for adding new ones

2/ crack open inc/VIEW/items/ and you'll find a section like this which is commented out :

function deadline( $date )
	global $localtimenow;

	$timestamp = mysql2timestamp( $date );

 	if( $timestamp <= 0 )
		return '&nbsp;';	// IE needs that crap in order to display cell border :/

	$output = mysql2localedate( $date );

	if( $timestamp < $localtimenow )
		$output =  '<span class="past_deadline">! '.$output.'</span>';

	return $output;
$ItemList->cols[] = array(
						'th' => T_('Deadline'),
						'order' => 'post_datedeadline',
						'td_class' => 'center tskst_$post_pst_ID$',
						'td' => '%deadline( #post_datedeadline# )%',

Just un comment it ;)


3 Sep 02, 2006 10:22

ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This rules. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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