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1 Nov 08, 2006 05:49    

Full Name: current issue [Will be displayed on top of the blog.]

Short Name: current issu [Will be used in selection menus and throughout the admin interface.]

but the fact the one who shown in the front page is the Short Name, not the Full name... is there something wrong with the program or what? :P

how to fix this?


2 Nov 08, 2006 06:42

ok, i found this _bloglist.php

# This is the blogparam that will be displayed as the name:
if(!isset($blog_name_param)) $blog_name_param = 'shortname';

the "shortname" should be change to something, but i don't know what, i changes to "fullname" but no luck, the text disappear, so must be something else

can someone help me?

3 Nov 08, 2006 07:36

LOL solved, i change to "name"

4 Nov 08, 2006 14:57

That's actually a skin-specific issue. In the default 'custom' skin I'll guess all the statements about what shows up where are correct, but skinners do what they feel is best for their skin. A great skinner would edit the comment text, but the real world is what it is.

Glad you found what you needed.

5 Nov 09, 2006 00:20

yeah, all skinner supposed to use "name" instead of "shortname" because that what the bakoffice said "Full Name: current issue [Will be displayed on top of the blog.] " if skinner do this it'll looks like same bugs in b2evolution :P just my opinion though

6 Nov 09, 2006 01:08

It could also be that the text in the back office should change to reflect that it is possible this or that is the bloglist text. Lots of places where that would have to be done though. IMHO saying "you can't do that" in a skin is the same as saying "don't bother sharing the skin you created". I'd rather see a lot of skins with a lot of variation in all aspects of skinnery.

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