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1 Nov 22, 2006 15:20    

Hi There,

Is it possible to create a blog that is viewable to administrators only?

I know how to post "protected" messages, however every member is then able to view these messages. I would like to have a section that is hidden from the public, but also all non-admin members.

Additionally, I don't want to hide just the messages, I would like to block access to the entire blog..

Thanks in advance,
Rich Jowett

2 Nov 23, 2006 12:34

there is a login required value within /conf/_advanced.php so you could change it like so

$login_required = ( $blog == the blog id ) ? true : false;

And then i guess you could either make a plugin, or do a hack, or just make it so in the new blog, the admistrators group are members, then post with the protected status...

3 Nov 23, 2006 14:38

A ha!

That's great. Thanks very much for your time

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