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1 Nov 22, 2006 11:17    

Hello all;

A newbie at this, I seem to be inching my way from one problem to the next in regards to setting up blog-by-email.

1st I was getting the 'Wrong Login/Password' error, when I was adement they weren't. But of course I proved myself wrong, using the password from the email account as the password for my b2e admin login! As Homer Simpson would say...DOOOOH! Just mentioning incase any other newbies encounter this, to try that first. Easily confused when attempting to fix problems at 3am!

Then it seemed the getmail.php script was not terminating, showing no "Ok" at the bottom of the screen. Sure enough, I had downloaded the wrong "getmail.php" file. Now, though it seems I have resolved that problem by copying the /cron/getmail.php file into the /htsrv folder, but now my emails disappear, and are not being posted into my blog yet. At this point, I am now at a total loss. I've tried changing the default category, but they are not appearing anywhere! Any ideas anyone?

My blog is at, and I am using version B2E 1.8.2 Serenity.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


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