2 laibcoms Mar 16, 2009 16:03

i added the
$c = 1; // force display of comments
before the skin_include in the index.main.php of the skin
and the comments now are showing up in the post.
However, the older the comments are, the more at the top they are.
Is there is a way to make newer comments show up first [above] the previous comments? no below them?
I am using version [2.x] new year
In the skins folder find _comment.disp.php
Look for ...
$CommentList = & new CommentList( $Blog, "'comment','trackback','pingback'", array('published'), '', '', 'DESC', '', 20 );
Edit 'DESC' to 'ASC' and see what happens !
did not work.
newer comments are posted at the bottom of older ones.
Ok sorry wrong file. Try
$CommentList = & new CommentList( NULL, implode(',', $type_list), array('published'), $Item->ID, '', 'ASC' );
change it to DESC
Worked on my installation
Good luck
in the file that you specified, it is already ASC
$CommentList = & new CommentList( NULL, implode(',', $type_list), array('published'), $Item->ID, '', 'ASC' );
So change it and see what happens :)
It's a bit early for me , so sorry for getting my ASC's and DESC's mixed up :)
I am sorry and many thanks. Long Day.
Changed it and it worked.
:D :D :D
THANKS :lol:
Phew... glad it worked out.
Note to self :posting on forums, first thing in the morning and before coffee should be avoided.
John wrote:
Phew... glad it worked out.
Note to self :posting on forums, first thing in the morning and before coffee should be avoided.
note to john : add after beer to that as well.
No wonder painting a house takes you so long ;)
Well, I thought I could do this, LOL, but apparently I can't concentrate. ;)
I don't have the same files in my skin (posts.main.php or _item_feedback.inc.php). That said, I found where to put the first PHP code in my index.main.php file, but I cannot for the life of me figure out where to put the second part:
($CommentList = & new CommentList( NULL, implode(',', $type_list), array('published'), $Item->ID, '', 'ASC' );
And I added that 'force display of comments' line...which gave me comments on the page...but I don't want the comment box there. I just want the plain comments. I would want people to still have to click "leave a comment" to leave one, but once they make it, just have it appear.
I am using the b2evo_ru skin.
Am I asking too much? (Really, I don't know.)
I would want people to still have to click "leave a comment" to leave one, but once they make it, just have it appear.
I don't agree with this approach... however if you must expect people to click yet another button for the pleasure of making a comment, you may want to look at the code in the photoblog skin... it has a popup comment box that may solve your problem... unless people are using popup blockers :)
You need to put this:
To your skin's posts.main.php