2 yabba May 05, 2007 16:23

HI Laibcoms. I have begin to port bitter sweet (http://www.freelayouts.com/templates/view/4508) to b2evolution, but it's not finished (the comments part, by example)
Do you want the files to go on with the work?
I'm using a modified version of terrafirma (http://www.freelayouts.com/templates/view/4449) on my blog and I will release it soon :)
Laibcoms I would request that, after you're done, you see how the skin looks in 1.9.3 because that is the latest version we have a skins site for. HOPEFULLY skins from one will work in the other!!!
¥åßßå wrote:
PersonPerson has a list on [url=http://del.icio.us/tag/evoskinize]Del.ico.us[/url] of opensource skins that he'd like to see evoskinzed (sic :|), maybe you'd like to catch up with him and work something out?
Cool.. I'll check those :D
Walter wrote:
HI Laibcoms. I have begin to port bitter sweet (http://www.freelayouts.com/templates/view/4508) to b2evolution, but it's not finished (the comments part, by example)
Do you want the files to go on with the work?
I'm using a modified version of terrafirma (http://www.freelayouts.com/templates/view/4449) on my blog and I will release it soon :)
Sure. ^_^ If you have the original, I'd like to get a copy as well, so I can catch up with where you are now (other than the comments part).
EdB wrote:
Laibcoms I would request that, after you're done, you see how the skin looks in 1.9.3 because that is the latest version we have a skins site for. HOPEFULLY skins from one will work in the other!!!
Which skin? Didn't quite get it. So far, the skins I had under 1.9.x works with 1.10.0. The only part I saw a change is the "Contact the Admin".
I'm using the Custom skin as my main base-comparison, I'm assuming, it is always updated to the latest skin changes(?)
All skins that come with any package are pretty much going to work properly with that package. I've barely even unzipped 1.10 so I have no knowledge of how well skins shift from 1.10 to 1.9.* installations. The "contact the admin" thing was present in 1.9.3, but most of the skins - okay - the vast majority of the skins don't have it because I didn't notice it in time to do the upgrade. I'm beginning to understand that if it works in 1.9.3 it'll work in 1.10 so that's cool.
Anyway I misread you and thought you had a skin mostly converted.
Ok, I started working on it.
First is: "hilaryduff" by [url=http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com/]free website templates[/url].
After this, I will work on "myfamily" by [url=http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com/]free website templates[/url] as well.
Then the following (in no particular order) by the same group/site.
This is the first batch. ^_^
You can check on what I am currently working - live :p by checking this link:
Until I release the skin you see on that live site mentioned, it means I am still working on it. :D Though it may look finish, I am going to release a new theme/skin until I've optimized and enhanced it to how far I can go. :p
My major concern is to let the "content" area load first before the sidebar(s).
So taking a break first... I just have to optimize the current one (hilaryduff), and add the basic b2e stuff, and its done. ^_^
Converted Skins:
Midnight - http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=11449 (April 24, 2007)
Hilary Duff - http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=11641 (May 14, 2007 [Philippines Mid-Term Election])
Next in-line:
MyFamily theme
Wednesday, September 26, 2007: 11:52pm ACT (ASEAN Common Time)
Uploaded the Phase 1 of porting Emerald Skin to b2evo-v2.0.x.
Live demo -> http://gameshogun.ws/demo
Phase 2: styling the b2evo stuff (which doesn't come with the original design, like tags, categories, dates, etc.)
Going to sleep for now ^_^
Working on [url=http://www.opendesigns.org/preview/?template=703]Free CSS Templates - Emerald[/url], requested by balupton, priority level 1/5, cc 2.5 licence, full html & css
(from: http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=12091 )
b2evolution v2.0 Skins
1) Midnight - DL: http://gameshogun.ws/dls/themes/b2evolution_theme-midnight-v2.0.zip (LIVE DEMO: http://gameaddiction.gameshogun.ws )
2) Emerald - DL: http://gameshogun.ws/dls/themes/b2evolution_theme-emerald-v2.0.zip (LIVE DEMO: http://ASEAN.gamgeshogun.ws )
* Please note that b2evo-v2.0 is still in Alpha stage and as such, it may or may not be compatible with future v2.0 releases if there will be changes that will affect Skins 2.0 until the FINAL stable release.
* I will update the skins listed if necessary, for every b2evo-v2.0 releases until we reach FINAL stable.
Hi Laibcoms,
I found a anime template that I love to convert to b2vo but i cannot get to work properly when inserting php code. Can you help me ? Here is the template http://www.catlinh.us/download/feel.zip
Ok will check. Supposed to be doing conversions this week, but there are some bigger fish to catch ^^
If others want to help, feel free to do so :)
I suggest you open up either the "custom" skin or "evopress" skin.
For example, instead of putting the Calendar code on your file, instead put there the "Widgets" Container code.
// ------------------------- "BarRight-Left" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
// Display container contents:
skin_container( NT_('BarRight-Left'), array(
// The following (optional) params will be used as defaults for widgets included in this container:
// This will enclose each widget in a block:
'block_start' => '<div class="content $wi_class$">',
'block_end' => '</div>',
// This will enclose the title of each widget:
'block_title_start' => '<h3 class="sideItemTitle">',
'block_title_end' => '</h3>',
// If a widget displays a list, this will enclose that list:
'list_start' => '<ul>',
'list_end' => '</ul>',
// This will enclose each item in a list:
'item_start' => '<li>',
'item_end' => '</li>',
// This will enclose sub-lists in a list:
'group_start' => '<ul>',
'group_end' => '</ul>',
// This will enclose (foot)notes:
'notes_start' => '<div class="notes">',
'notes_end' => '</div>',
) );
// ----------------------------- END OF "BarRight-Left" CONTAINER -----------------------------
That is the new v2.0 widget container. Then you go to the backoffice and add the "Calendar" Widget.
Your index.main.php should be shorter now than it was with v1.
Hope that helps!
HillaryDuff Skin :: Live Demo: (in v1.10 but it looks the same) http://skindemo.b2evolution.net/a.php?skin=hilaryduff (DL: http://gameshogun.ws/dls/themes/b2evolution_theme-hilaryduff-v2.0.zip )
--- Phase 1: Done. 6:52pm ACT (ASEAN Common Time), 11/2/2007
* If clicking the download link doesn't work, copy the URL and paste directly in your browser's toolbar.
Great job, Laibcoms!
I´ll try it out as soon as I am back from my business trip.
Laibcoms, I'd greatly appreciate some guidance in upgrading this skin to the 2.X b2e:
Just an update.
I'm done upgrading Emerald and Midnight to b2evo v2.2 "Vegas Again".
Get it here: http://webdev.gameshogun.ws/10themes/emerald-and-midnight-themes-now-availabl
Will look into Stockholm :D
Will finish upgrading HillaryDuff skin to b2evo v2.2 first tho, someone's waiting for it ;)
PersonPerson has a list on [url=http://del.icio.us/tag/evoskinize]Del.ico.us[/url] of opensource skins that he'd like to see evoskinzed (sic :|), maybe you'd like to catch up with him and work something out?