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1 Jul 10, 2009 12:21    

Thanks for the welcome and the reply Ed, I must say I wasn't expecting anything back as quick as that!

I'm using version 2.4.7 by the way.

I completely agree with you about a glossary of terms.

You make a fair point about why I decided on b52ev - it did come highly recommended and, truth be told, I have begun to feel a little bit more comfortable with it in the last few days, but I do find it a very daunting piece of software to work with.

Having taken the plunge with it though, I am determined to persevere with b52ev and, as you mentioned about asking questions, here are a couple of to start with;

1. I read something on the forum about problems integrating Paypal into b52ev, but am I right in thinking that linking to Paypal from another site, which would appear as a link in the side bar, would not present a problem? To try and explain what I mean a bit better - I have designed an application form for a service that can be paid for using Paypal and I am going to have a link to that form in the sidebar of my blog.

2. I think I know the answer to this one already, but I'll ask - I have six or seven drafts that I would like to publish almost simultaneously when my blog goes live. There are lots of cross references to each other in these drafts that, ideally, I would like to show as links when they go online, can that be done?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

2 Jul 10, 2009 12:10

It's probably better to start a new thread in the [url=]general support[/url] forum as it helps others who may have similar problems in the future.

That said, here's your answers ;)

1) You can add links to your sidebar in multiple ways, one is to use the FreeHTML widget and the other is to use a linkblog and the LinkBlog widget ( admin > blog settings > your blog > widgets : click "add new widget to see a list of currently available widgets )

2) You'll probably find it easiest to make the posts either private ( only you can see ) or protected ( only members of the blog can see ... which probably means just you ). That way you can cruise round the various posts and grab their urls for use in your other posts ( warning : those urls *will* change if you use clean urls and have any of the "date" bits in them ). Then, when you're ready, you can either hit "publish now" for each of the posts or you could change there publish date to a future date/time and set them to "published"


3 Jul 10, 2009 12:18

I'm gonna split this and move it to a different forum after this reply, so I hope you find it again ;)

Lets see... the paypal thing. I'm going to have to figure out all the details on that one myself as I'm currently doing an installation for a band that sells albums via paypal, but if I recall correctly ... ah here it is. is how to get a paypal button in a post. For your purposes though it sounds like no problem because the only association with paypal is that you will link to a form that uses paypal. Done!

After six or seven drafts you probably shouldn't be driving. Not even a blog! But hey whatever works for you is your bizniss. Anyway make them all be 'protected' instead of 'draft' or 'published' so that YOU can see them the way visitors eventually will. Make sure all your linkage is correct and whatever, then via the back office (aka admin area) hit the "Posts / comments" tab for the appropriate blog, then click the "Publish Now" button. BAM - they will each take on the date and time that you actually click that link, no matter what date and time you actually wrote them. Don't change them by editing the post - use the "Publish Now" feature. By the way the Ping-O-Matic plugin will cry like a thing that cries after the first one because they think you should have at least 5 minutes between posts, so if it was me I'd disable that plugin before doing the "Publish Now" thing.

Before you ask, you disable then enable a plugin by hitting your Global Settings tab, Plugins install subtab, then clicking the icon that looks like two balls on a diagonal stick. I think maybe it is some sort of universally known symbol for the really intelligent people. All I know is "2 balls on a diagonal stick means disable/enable in here".

I wonder where I should move these two posts to?

4 Jul 10, 2009 12:20

¥åßßå wrote:

... warning : those urls *will* change if you use clean urls and have any of the "date" bits in them ...

Good point. That's why we like you: very quick with very tiny bits of goodness :)

Also yeah TOBW please help us keep a tidy forum by putting questions in the most appropriate forum you can. Titles that help (unlike the one I made up for this split post) are really cool. Future visitors will maybe have less of a hard time finding what they need is the thing.

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