2 isaac Sep 23, 2004 16:56

I install fckeditor and integrate it on my private b2evolution ...
I made too a simple howto on installing it , and put some screenshots on my site:
I am sure it contains a lot of bugs, but this works for me
I had a look at fckeditor and it looks interesting. How is it used inside b2evo? As an editor toolbar for making new posts and editing posts?
Is it integrated into the back office, so when you make a post, you have access to the fckeditor toolbar panel?
Looks like it could be a great way to cut past all the html coding, letting the code put in the correct tags (if my understanding is correct)
I followed what coffman said (on a development installation of B2) and nothing happens as far as I can see. I kinda expected to see a different editor appear in the back office
I musta missed something - any ideas? :-/
Coffman's instructions are very useful however where he says insert
<script type="text/javascript" src="/FCKeditor/fckeditor.js"></script>
it should really say insert the before the script already there.
I also have an issue the capital letters - on Apache on a Windoze box capital letters don't matter so much, but Linux/Apache they do, so you might try replacing the code with
<script type="text/javascript" src="/fckeditor/fckeditor.js"></script>
and make sure the directory with fckeditor in it only has lower case letters.
Hope this works for you.
To see <!--more -> and all the other b2 tags you will need to switch to the html view on the fckeditor
Seems like there is an error with the code provided. Instead of inserting this at line 83:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function()
var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor( 'content' ) ;
oFCKeditor.ReplaceTextarea() ;
You should insert this:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function()
var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor( 'content' ) ;
oFCKeditor.BasePath = '<Web-accessible path to FCKeditor dir> ' ;
oFCKeditor.ReplaceTextarea() ;
If you've been getting 404 errors in the typing field, this will fix that.
Great post! This got me up and running after spending a few hours trying to get it going.
I have one other question which isn't apparently obvious to me: Where do I define the directory to upload/store/use images from? The main reason I want fckeditor is cause of this functionality :)
FCKeditor works for me but there are obviously some duplications of functionality with b2evolution's form. For example file uploads, smileys, etc. b2evolutions smiley routine breaks when you use FCKeditor, so that has to be shut off. Also have to disable the AutoP renderer.
I went back to the default form until I rethink the value of the feature. I might even create a new entry form and add another Write tab to the menu. That could work.
- Rod
I decided to stay with fckeditor. I remmed out the spellcheck and upload link. I also disabled the smileys and quicktags toolbars. While I was at it, I set the renderers to "opt-in" because most are not needed now.
Uploads work like a charm as so do smileys. The copy and paste is great. The only problem I have experienced is with Firefox browser, I sometimes have to clear the cache and reload because something gets skewed and copy/paste doesn't work, but my understanding is that's a browser security issue.
fckeditor works like a champ! My neophyte users love it because it is like a mini word processor.
To be honest I ripped it out again - it was just too much hassle trying to get it to work nicely in firefox. I am considering giving MCE Tiny Editor a go, as it seems to work quite well in my Mambo installation.
If you are using firefox I strongly recommend using spellbound as your spellchecker.
sorry i can find the file to integrate the fckeditor
Do someone know how to install it on b2evo 1.8 ??? I didn't have admin/_edit_form.php :'(
Doesn't answer your question but provides a alternative;
I update the howto on my web page to support b2evolution 1.9.3 (Rainforest),
So [url=http://www.wickle.com/wiki/index.php/Install_fckeditor_b2evolution]here[/url] are the instructions to integrate fckeditor with b2evolution 1.9.3. Also i upload a patch file to easy install.
Basically are the same instructions as before but on the file : inc/VIEW/items/_item_simple.form.php
fckeditor is another RTF similar to TinyMCE.
There's another popular RTF, can't think what its called right now, I think SMF's TinyPortal is using that RTF and fckeditor.
:lol: I just glanced at the title, and thought this was some kind of crazy flame for a second.