2 fplanque Sep 12, 2004 23:10

I know that you said you need to check with your hosting service. But eh.... What if that?s me? :(
I am having the exact same problem on a Windows box running apache 2. PHP seems to be setup correctly, as does mysql.
I judged that by the following:
C:\mysql\bin>mysql -h localhost -u root -p
Enter password: ********
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 4.0.20a-ntType 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
I tried to set it up to run via root (strike me dead later for it, but right now I want to keep this as simple as possible and remove as many variables as I can), but I am getting the same error that MastaBaba is. I cannot seem to get it to connect to the database. I have created the b2evolution table via myphpadmin with no problem.
If anyone could please give me a nudge in the right direction, I would really appreciate it.
note: One major difference on my system is that I am setting it up on port 812 (stupid isp blocking port 80).
Well, I found out the error by myself. I am posting the result so that no one else will have to dig like crazy to find the answer.
If you get the webpage listed above, make sure you edit the _config.php file and edit the database connections as listed here. http://doc.b2evolution.net/0.9.0/conf/_blogs_conf__config_php.html
make sure your login matches the one provided to you/created by you in mysql.
hope it helps
I banged my head on this problem for a while before I remembered that there is an incompatiblity between some versions of PHP and MySQL. I'm using PHP 5.0.3 and MySQL 4.1.9.
Specifically, new versions of MySQL use a NEW password format. If you create a user in MySQL and try to use that login with any PHP script, it will fail. MySQL has a command to use the old password:
SET PASSWORD FOR "dbuser"@"dbhost" = OLD_PASSWORD( "yourpassword" )
This tells MySQL to use the old, compatible format of the password.
As logn as you get this message, you have a problem with setting up your php/database connection. We can't help you there. Your hosting provider can.