2 garey Nov 16, 2006 00:07

between the two slashes there's the theme name missing.
Have you edited the PluginSettings (in Setting->Plugins) and edit the "Themes" setting? There should be "simple,advanced" by default.
Yeah, I figured out that I had to choose a theme in the 'Custom TinyMCE Init' box. Now I have to figure out how to get rid of the default toobar. I know I can do it by hacking the code because I have done that before, but it would be nicer if I could figure out how to do it in the plugin. Any suggestions?
You should be able to select the theme just with the regular plugin settings - unless you don't overwrite the custom JS init code or at least do not change "theme" there, because it gets added after the auto-generated JS.
You want to remove the whole TinyMCE toolbar? Or change it? In the latter case, use the "theme_advanced_*" vars in the custom JS init code. See the link there in the note.
The most recent TinyMCE plugin is available here:
It also enables the disk cache.
I'll probably release the next version in the next days, when some more upcoming problems are resolved.
I guess that was unclear. I want to remove the default b2evolution toolbar, so the only toolbar the user sees is the tiny_mce one.
Ah.. deactivate them - they're also plugins. E.g. the "Quick Tags" or "Smilies" plugins.
i installed this plugin, but nothing happen or no different when im typing new post?
any help would be great
Hi -
So I have activated the tiny_mce plugin, but copying upload text back into the edit window is not working. This is probably because TinyMCE does not allow anything to write into the text area directly. In 0.9.2, I solved this this way in the file b2upload.php:
<!-- // idocs.com's popup tutorial rules !
function targetopener(blah, closeme, closeonly) {
if (! (window.focus && window.opener))return true;
window.opener.tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, blah);
// if (! closeonly)window.opener.document.post.content.value += blah;
if (closeme)window.close();
return false;
Can you point me to where the equivalent code would be in the 1.82?
Garey Mills
garey wrote:
copying upload text back into the edit window is not working.
This is exactly one thing which needs b2evo 1.9. It will work there.
I've installed the plugin today and followed the instructions given yet I see no changes in the edit area.
There must be something I am missing but what?
Any Javascript errors maybe?
Please try the most recent version from http://evocms-plugins.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/evocms-plugins/tinymce_plugin/trunk/_tinymce.plugin.php?view=log (just replace the file mentioned there).
I replaced the _tinymce.plugin.php with latest from the link you gave me and it now shows as it should.
I played with it a little and it works perfectly well.
Very nice plugin!
Thank you!
You're welcome.
I've released version 0.2 - but the only changed file is the _tinymce.plugin.php (SVN r162) - the version you've just downloaded, gcasanova.
I got it to work great in CVS 2.0, but nothing in 1.85. On install it suggested a newer plugin api and a newer b2evo version.
Any idea why it won't work in 1.85.
I used the .2 dev version.
It recommends b2evo 1.9, but it should install and work nonetheless.
hmmm...I guess some tinkering is in order
yeah, mine is 1.85, and no changes when i installed :(
I installed it on 1.85 and got bupkiss as well.
I think what the online doc is saying is this:
if you're running 1.85 and you've also got something like the YouTube plugin, or the Amazon plugin, or some plugin that also needs to write in the Text Area, then the TinyMCE plugin won't work.
Version 1.9 of b2evo has an improved api which will allow the tinyMCE plugin to peacefully go-exist with those others.
At least that's my interpretation of the "requirements" section of the wiki.
ach.... so where 1.9 ? not yet released? too bad... i regret upgrading to 1.85
As said, it should work with 1.85 (just see the demo site!), there are only some advanced features which require b2evo 1.9 (including e.g. "add the code to the post" after uploading). Robbo's interpretation is correct.
falcon212 wrote:
.. i regret upgrading to 1.85
...because you don't like awesome software?
1.85 is terrific, but I am looking forward to 1.9 so I can get this plugin working with my others. The users on one of my blog sites will very much enjoy a wysiwyg entry.
no... the true reason is, i dont know the php and other things like that very well... thats why i want it simple, like install plugin and run it... :(
but when i installed this plugin... nothing happen....
and btw..youtube plugin works for me
blueyed wrote:
As said, it should work with 1.85 (just see the demo site!)
sorry but, where can i see the demo site?
For the demo site, see the top of this page or click here: http://demo.b2evolution.net/
Everybody should be sure to have at least version 0.2 of the plugin.
ok... :P my problem is.... the version is below 0.2... now the plugin working alright
Rats, that means mine is the only one not working. I went to the demo site and installed all the plugins I have on my blog, and it worked fine. I reuploaded the plugin and related files, and it still doesn't work.
BTW, I didn't do a full 1.85 install only the changed files option, from 1.82.
mrdav, where's your blog? I could take a look than. For example with the original compressor script, it could put a PHP warning in the generated JS and therefor cause a javascript error, if the plugin directory wasn't writable for the webserver (but that's fixed - just an example).
I can set up up an admin account if you need.
The plugin would request a URL like this:
to get the needed JS, but it's a 404 on your site.
Already http://remonstrans.net/plugins/tinymce_plugin/ is a 404.
But http://remonstrans.net/plugins/_tinymce.plugin.php seems to be the plugin.
You don't have the plugin installed in a separate subfolder, but put it inside the "plugins" directory.
Two solutions:
1. Recommended: move the plugin files into the "tinymce_plugin" subfolder in "plugins".
2. Adjust the "URL to tinymce" setting of the plugin (remove the "tinymce_plugin" part from it)
=> Profit
Solution #1 worked. On my 2.0 blog, I had to remove that folder from the tiny_mce, and put tiny_mce as the plugins' folder to get it to work.
So I thought that was just zipped up that way.
Anyhoo, it's working and thanks. :D
EDIT: changed method to 1
So, the simple instructions should be..
Upload the unzipped tinymce_plugin folder to your plugins directory which worked just fine for me
I think variations in plugin hierarchy causes some issues, with many plugins having their related .php file external to their specific plugin folder.
Tinymce works fine, though it sure has some overhead when loading the "Write" page
John, a plugin can either reside in the plugins folder directly, or in a folder with the name of the plugin (plugins/name_plugin/). The latter method is recommened of course for plugins with several files, like the tinymce plugin.
Thanks for the explanation :)
I get the following JS errors after installing on 1.8.5
tinyMCE_GZ is not defined
admin.php?ctrl=ed... (line 553)
tinyMCE is not defined
admin.php?ctrl=ed... (line 565)
The toolbar does not appear.
xangelusx, please try the latest version from http://evocms-plugins.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/evocms-plugins/tinymce_plugin/trunk/_tinymce.plugin.php?view=log
It will give you an alert() message instead of the JavaScript error and adds a check to the "URL to TinyMCE" setting, which is probably wrong in your case and I've already explained a possible reason is this thread (see http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?p=47073#47073).
Sorry, should have read back a page before posting. The folder in my install is named tiny_mce. I'll rename it to tinymce_plugin (Note that only a week or two ago I DL'd this plugin from source forge and installed it as-is)
xangelusx, there should be a folder "tinymce_plugin" and _therein_ another one called "tiny_mce" (which holds TinyMCE itself).
Thanks, I figured it out right after changing the folder name. :)
Thanks for this plugin. I am running 1.81rc and it seems to work. I did a test post and previewed it and it came up.
The real test will be after midnight when I write another post.
Will this plugin conflict with any other plugins? Will it somehow interfere with a validation of my rss feed.
I am real excited about this plugin. This plugin actually brings B2evolution to where it should with respect to other software that is out there. I think it should be automatically installed as part of the package!!
By the way, are there any plans with this plugin on allowing you to be able to change font color?
I tested this plugin on the v1.9 demo site, it seems that it can work with other plugins, which is excellent indeed.
May I suggest that an additional format be used for "more", "noteaser" and "nextpage" (e.g., [more], [noteaser], [nextpage]), so that they will show on the edit area? Currently, these are added as comment (<!--more--> etc), which will not show on the wysiwyg edit area. Inexperienced users may be confused and end up inserting multiple "more" etc.
When I tried using the plug-in for an actual post I got all sorts of "you cannot have the <p> tag in this area, etc.
When I write post's, I normally do it in Microsoft Word and then copy and paste to the Blog. The WYSISYG editor for some reason actually takes the Word data and does something to it. I am not sure but it did not work.
When I did a test post for text written directly into the Blog with the editor, I was able to preview it. I disabled the plug-in for now until I have more time to play.
If I have to trade off between writing in Word or using the plug in, I will probably stick to Word.
Storm_Law, try adding the following to the "Custom TinyMCE init" setting (either for your user or the general plugin):
theme_advanced_buttons3_add : "pastetext,pasteword,selectall"
Then you should have three additional buttons. Maybe "pasteword" alone would be enough (and it is what you seem to miss).
Thanks, blueyed. This works great. Not every formatting change comes across, but it does a great job...re: The word paste button.
mrdav wrote:
I got it to work great in CVS 2.0, but nothing in 1.85. On install it suggested a newer plugin api and a newer b2evo version.
Any idea why it won't work in 1.85.
I used the .2 dev version.
Yes, me too not able to get it work for 1.8.5 but work well in 1.9.1.
hmm i can't get it to work.
They editor produces an error while searching for a language file where is no:
Fehler: invalid flag after regular expression
Quelldatei: http://www.example.com/plugins/tinymce_plugin/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.php?js=true&plugins=style%2Clayer%2Ctable%2Csave%2Cadvhr%2Cadvimage%2Cadvlink%2Cemotions%2Ciespell%2Cinsertdatetime%2Cpreview%2Cmedia%2Csearchreplace%2Cprint%2Ccontextmenu%2Cpaste%2Cdirectionality%2Cfullscreen%2Cnoneditable%2Cvisualchars%2Cnonbreaking%2Cxhtmlxtras&themes=advanced&languages=en&diskcache=true
Zeile: 2, Spalte: 11
<b>Warning</b>: file_get_contents(/var/www/vhosts/example.com/httpdocs/plugins/tinymce_plugin/tiny_mce/plugins/contextmenu/langs/en.js) [<a href='function.file-get-contents'>function.file-get-contents</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or direc
note: this is copied out of firefox Javascript console.
Any ideas?
lokari: are you using the latest version?
You have seemed to missed copying the most interesting part (the end) or it did not appear in the source file.
Please open
manually in the browser and view the source. There should be a line reference for "file_get_contents".
Hi Daniel,
yes i'm using the latest version - downloaded just minutes before the installation. Installed on the latest 1.9.1 beta2
sorry for the missing infos:
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: file_get_contents(/var/www/vhosts/example.com/httpdocs/plugins/tinymce_plugin/tiny_mce/plugins/contextmenu/langs/en.js) [<a href='function.file-get-contents'>function.file-get-contents</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <b>/var/www/vhosts/example.com/httpdocs/plugins/tinymce_plugin/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.php</b> on line <b>148</b><br />
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: file_get_contents(/var/www/vhosts/example.com/httpdocs/plugins/tinymce_plugin/tiny_mce/plugins/noneditable/langs/en.js) [<a href='function.file-get-contents'>function.file-get-contents</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <b>/var/www/vhosts/example.com/httpdocs/plugins/tinymce_plugin/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.php</b> on line <b>148</b><br />
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhosts/example.com/httpdocs/plugins/tinymce_plugin/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.php:148) in <b>/var/www/vhosts/example.com/httpdocs/plugins/tinymce_plugin/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.php</b> on line <b>116</b><br />
Please try replacing the tiny_mce.gzip.php file with the last one from SVN: http://evocms-plugins.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/evocms-plugins/tinymce_plugin/trunk/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.php?view=log
I've fixed some things there lately, maybe that helps you.
If so, I might package a new release.
Hi Daniel,
tried but didn't help - sorry. Still the same error.
At least the file_get_contents-warning should be at line 150 now..!
Please try the following patch:
--- tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.php (Revision 186)
+++ tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.php (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
function getFileContents($path) {
$path = realpath($path);
- if (!$path)
+ if (!$path || !file_exists($path))
return "";
if (function_exists("file_get_contents"))
It seems like you're on a BSD server, and therefor realpath() does not necessarily return false if the file does not exist.
I've just committed it, so you might just want to replace the whole file (see the link above).
ok strange thing. Just wanted to tell you that it's still not working and did another reload (after i did about 5 before) and now it works - great & thanks.
btw. I'm on a Debian Sarge box
Is it possible to add an additional format for "more", "noteaser" and "nextpage" (e.g., [more], [noteaser], [nextpage]), so that they will show on the edit area? Currently, these are added as comment (<!--more--> etc), which will not show on the wysiwyg edit area. Inexperienced users may be confused and end up inserting multiple "more" etc.
It's unusable for our clients, that's why we think to change of multiblog engine. Can you quickly find a solution please ?
Thank you.
It's unusable for our clients, that's why we think to change of multiblog engine. Can you quickly find a solution please ?
how nice - how much would you pay for this "urgent" solution?
We have a communal blog and the admin has recently installed the latest version of tinyMCE on it. For the majority of bloggers the editor works just fine. We do have one user who is not able to see the editor at all. He has tried it in both FF and IE to no avail.
We have all tried helping him troubleshoot this problem, but none of our answers are solutions. He's cleared his cache, he's checked firewall settings, java settings, etc. and nothing is working.
He has a Joomla site with tinyMCE installed on that and he's able to see it just fine.
Anyone have any ideas?
hi there, help us. we need to set up a blog on this site, and we dont no how...soooo let us know as soon as possible, or else we fail. hahaha and its all your fault.
Tried this on a new domain but I still don't see it working or loading.
Cleared cache, enabled the plugin, installed on a clean installation without any other additional plugins, no hacks, etc.
It still shows the non-TinyMCE editor of b2e.
Using b2e v1.9.1
Tried with FF2 and IE7.
Download from b2e's 1.8+ Plugin page.
Need help, thanks!!
I just installed b2e v1.9.1 beta and am attempting to implement TinyMCE as well.
I see TinyMCE in the Plugins area and it is enabled. However, when I go to the WRITE area I get errors under the text area as follows:
Notice: Undefined property: tinymce_plugin::$Settings in /home/inspire5/public_html/blog_v2/blogs/plugins/tinymce_plugin/_tinymce.plugin.php on line 112
Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /home/inspire5/public_html/blog_v2/blogs/plugins/tinymce_plugin/_tinymce.plugin.php on line 112
Line 112: 'defaultvalue' => $this->Settings->get('default_use_tinymce'),
I am a noob and felt pretty good about installing b2e and TinyMCE up to this point. B2e editor works fine. I have TinyMCE disabled at the moment. I probably missed something, but I've spent hours trying to figure out what.
I've released version 0.3 of the plugin.
It's a bugfix release and includes the latest TinyMCE.
Please try this one, HeavilyMental. If it still results in an error, please report back which PHP version you're using.
I deleted the existing v0.2 installation and installed v0.3 of TinyMCE. Still getting the same errors.
PHP v 5.0.5
b2evolution v 1.9.1beta
TinyMCE v0.3
Please try going to your user profile. There should appear some TinyMCE options there (e.g. "Use TinyMCE"), but I guess that it will cause the same error.
If so, the following should help.
function init_settings( & $Plugin )
if( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5', '>=' ) )
{ // we use overloading for PHP5, therefor the member has to be unset:
unset( $Plugin->Settings );
unset( $Plugin->UserSettings );
// Nothing to do here, will get called through Plugin::__get() when accessed
// PHP4: instantiate now:
$this->instantiate_Settings( $Plugin, 'Settings' );
$this->instantiate_Settings( $Plugin, 'UserSettings' );
in /inc/_misc/_plugins.class.php
and change the first IF statement, so it looks like:
function init_settings( & $Plugin )
if( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.1', '>=' ) )
{ // we use overloading for PHP5, therefor the member has to be unset:
This will only use overloading with PHP 5.1 or above and in your case not. I think that there's a PHP bug with (your) 5.0.5.
IMHO you should rather upgrade PHP (5.2.1 gets released shortly).
That fixed it.
Thank you and sorry for the useless post earlier!
Cool. I've just tested it with PHP 5.0.5 here and it shows the same error, but with PHP 5.1.0 it works. So the next 1.9 release will contain a fix for this.
Note: this is not a bug with the plugin, but with PHP itself and the workaround is applied to b2evolution, not the plugin.
I get this pop-up error:
TinyMCE javascript could not be loaded. Check the "URL to tinymce" setting.
My "URL to tinymce" setting is the default which is:
And I uploaded the "tinymce_plugin" folder out from the zip file to the <blogroot>/plugins/
Laibscom, please use the latest version. This should fix the problem.
(I don't think details are interesting here for anyone)
blueyed wrote:
Laibscom, please use the latest version. This should fix the problem.
(I don't think details are interesting here for anyone)
Yah I am. Deleted the old tinymce version and uploaded the january update.
Works fine for me.... However I do notice that when sometimes when inserting a picture it will add extra code and the post will fail when saving. I have to go back and use the HTML editor to clean it up.
Another small issue is when pasting in text... it will not wrap the text pasted but instead break the lines... and again, I have to go in and edit it through the HTML....
Both display fine in the actual editing window... but when saving is when you get the errors and mis formatting.
BrocLee, probably this is caused by the Auto-P or some other renderer plugin. You probably want to uncheck all of them in the lower right, on the advanced edit tab (for 1.9).
Of course it would help more to actually see the "messed up HTML".
blueyed wrote:
BrocLee, probably this is caused by the Auto-P or some other renderer plugin. You probably want to uncheck all of them in the lower right, on the advanced edit tab (for 1.9).
Of course it would help more to actually see the "messed up HTML".
I will give that a shot and see if it helps. I will also post the error next time it happens. :) Thanks blueyed...
Here is one... Parser error: Undeclared entity warning near </div></div> <p>&nb
It seems to be ok with the auto P unchecked, however, sometimes the auto p will still occur even if unchecked. However, I did get it to work once so I will see where else I can disable that.
Thanks again.
(edit again)
Ok, I disabled the auto p from the plugin's section, however, when I type a paragraph, hit enter, then add an image, I still get the same thing. :(
If I type a paragraph and don't hit enter before adding the image, it is fine. Hmmmm.
Hmm.. where's the "promised" messed up HTML? I've meant all of it.
Try reducing it to the part that triggers the error, but include all html tags around.
Do you always get "Undeclared entity" or other errors as well?
blueyed wrote:
Hmm.. where's the "promised" messed up HTML? I've meant all of it.
Try reducing it to the part that triggers the error, but include all html tags around.
Do you always get "Undeclared entity" or other errors as well?
This is the error I get from, B2... The "actual html" is not messed up.
Parser error: Undeclared entity warning near </div></div> <p>&nb
When I open up the post using the built in HTML editor, all the html is there. If I erase the <p>nbsp;</p>, it will usually post.
With the auto p fully disabled, I now only get it when I hit enter after a paragraph and then insert the image. If I just add the image after the paragraph then move it... it seems to be ok.
Do you erase "<p> </p>" or ""<p>nbsp;</p>" to make it work?
Update: BrocLee, are you using the latest version (0.3) of the plugin and b2evolution (1.9.x)?
blueyed wrote:
Do you erase "<p> </p>" or ""<p>nbsp;</p>" to make it work?
Update: BrocLee, are you using the latest version (0.3) of the plugin and b2evolution (1.9.x)?
Oh, there is another version out? Ok. I am using 0.2 and B2 1.9.1... I just download all this late last week, I thought I had the latest... Let me try that.
oh, and yes, once I deleted the <p> </p> it posted fine.
Ok, deleted the old version and installed the newest release (0.3) and still getting the same error.
Here is the "full" html of the post...
<p>This is a test</p><p>This is only a test</p><p> </p><div class="image_block"><img src="http://www.broclee.com/blog/media/blogs/Movie%20Talk/crybabypubb.jpg" border="0" alt="Ricki Lake, Johnny Depp and Traci Lords star in “Cry Baby.”" title="Ricki Lake, Johnny Depp and Traci Lords star in “Cry Baby.”" width="383" height="322" /><div class="image_legend">Ricki Lake, Johnny Depp and Traci Lords star in “Cry Baby.”</div></div> <p> </p>
This is the error I get when I hit save.
Cannot post, please correct these errors:
Parser error: Undeclared entity warning near </div></div> <p>&nb
Auto P is totally uninstalled as is the other plug text formatters except the smiles. Which are also giving me trouble as instead of certain code for quotes and such they will turn into smiles in the post.
Update 2:
Well, I uninstalled all the extras... AutoP, Auto Link, Smiles, etc... I installed the new version 0.3, and I am still getting the parsing errors. It will do it with the last line of <p> </p>, if there is a " ' in the text Tiny will change it to the html code for that character... like is for & and it too will cause a parsing error. :(
Any other ideas?
The b2evo html checker does not "know" the html entities and then regards them as invalid, e.g. " ".
This will be fixed in the next b2evo 1.9.x release.
Update: Unfortunately this fix is "too complex" for 1.9.x, so it will be in 1.10.x.
I'll attach a patch for 1.9.x. Info about applying it can be found here: http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?p=50557#50557
Laibcoms wrote:
blueyed wrote:
Laibscom, please use the latest version. This should fix the problem.
(I don't think details are interesting here for anyone)Yah I am. Deleted the old tinymce version and uploaded the january update.
sigh... no luck. for the 3rd time, on another box, fresh install, no other addons. same error being produced with the 2007-01-13 19:43 update or v0.3 via sourceforge.
That's the version I am using when I posted my error report, provided the details - required or not, I don't know what you need. But yes, that's your version 0.3 or january update I was using before you replied. Unless there's version 0.4 somewhere.
Ok, Laibcoms, here the details:
When I request: http://gameshogun.ws/plugins/tinymce_plugin/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.php?js=true&plugins=style%2Clayer%2Ctable%2Csave%2Cadvhr%2Cadvimage%2Cadvlink%2Cemotions%2Ciespell%2Cinsertdatetime%2Cpreview%2Cmedia%2Csearchreplace%2Cprint%2Ccontextmenu%2Cpaste%2Cdirectionality%2Cfullscreen%2Cnoneditable%2Cvisualchars%2Cnonbreaking%2Cxhtmlxtras&themes=simple%2Cadvanced&languages=en&diskcache=true (which the plugin does internally) and modify the request so that I don't accept a gzip-encoded response, I get this:
<b>Warning</b>: in_array() [<a href='function.in-array'>function.in-array</a>]: Wrong datatype for second argument in <b>/XXX/plugins/tinymce_plugin/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.php</b> on line <b>66</b>
That's a problem with versions older than 0.3. In fact, in version 0.3 of the plugin line 66 of tiny_mce_gzip.php is an empty line!
So, I'm quite sure that you've still not updated the plugin really.
"blueyed" wrote:
Ok, Laibcoms, here the details:
When I request: http://gameshogun.ws/plugins/tinymce_plugin/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.php?js=true&plugins=style%2Clayer%2Ctable%2Csave%2Cadvhr%2Cadvimage%2Cadvlink%2Cemotions%2Ciespell%2Cinsertdatetime%2Cpreview%2Cmedia%2Csearchreplace%2Cprint%2Ccontextmenu%2Cpaste%2Cdirectionality%2Cfullscreen%2Cnoneditable%2Cvisualchars%2Cnonbreaking%2Cxhtmlxtras&themes=simple%2Cadvanced&languages=en&diskcache=true (which the plugin does internally) and modify the request so that I don't accept a gzip-encoded response, I get this:<b>Warning</b>: in_array() [<a href='function.in-array'>function.in-array</a>]: Wrong datatype for second argument in <b>/XXX/plugins/tinymce_plugin/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.php</b> on line <b>66</b>
That's a problem with versions older than 0.3. In fact, in version 0.3 of the plugin line 66 of tiny_mce_gzip.php is an empty line!
So, I'm quite sure that you've still not updated the plugin really.Now that's really weird.
Coz before I got this error:
TinyMCE javascript could not be loaded. Check the "URL to tinymce" setting.
I was using v0.2.
And it won't load Tiny_MCE at all.Now After I downloaded 0.3
after deleting the 0.2 folder, uploaded 0.3, installed. That's when I get the javascript error.Also, I tested it on a new blog, not just gameshogun, which is a fresh install with no previous tiny_mce and other non-default plugins. Same javascript error.
So it is the weirdest thing in the world if the plugin's cache is telling that my version is lower than 0.3 when I have the 0.3 files which again I got from the sourceforge site of your plugin.
I guess I'm out of luck with Tiny_MCE then since it won't work on my end, regardless how many times I download 0.3.
@Laibcoms: You just have to make sure, that you're really updating the right directory and from the right file (download archive).
It still does not load TinyMCE on your site.
That's nothing to do with browser cache: the URL that the JS fetches, returns invalid Javascript (the URL I've mentioned above). That's the reason why TinyMCE cannot be loaded and the tinymce_plugin detects this and gives you the error popup.
The PHP file that creates the broken javascript is not the one from the version 0.3 download.
Make sure that you also replace the "tiny_mce" directory and its contents when upgrading - but you've said to have deleted the whole tinymce_plugin folder.
Please try the demo. TinyMCE should be both installable in 1.8.x and 1.9.x there.
Ok tried it again but same error.
I download from here:
Which leads to http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=160495&package_id=211707
I downloaded the 0.3 (january 2007) file.
The zip file have these contents:
tinymce_plugin > tiny_mce (and the rest of tiny_mce contents)
tinymce_plugin > _tinymce.plugin.php
I first deleted the old
blog-root/plugins/tinymce_plugin folder
then uploaded the tinymce_plugin folder to blog-root/plugins/ folder.
Re-checked the plugin, including "URL to tinymce". All are correct.
But when posting, I get
TinyMCE javascript could not be loaded. Check the "URL to tinymce" setting.
I also tried another method..
I placed this:
tinymce_plugin > _tinymce.plugin.php
to the blog-root/plugins/
and this:
tinymce_plugin > tiny_mce
to blog-root/plugins/tiny_mce/...
Re-checked the plugin, the "URL to tinymce" field is also correct, pointing to where the tiny_mce/ folder is.
But still the same error.
I also tried installing it from a basic b2e installation, I'm getting the same error.
Yah, I checked the demo before, that's why I don't understand it anymore., coz it won't work on my end.
I tried testing the demo again but tiny_mce is not in the available plugins
-> http://demo.b2evolution.net/?revision=stable&php_ver=php4&mysql_ver=mysql5
Laibcoms, you've made some progress: I don't get the PHP errors anymore, so the most recent TinyMCE plugin version is installed.
However, if I enter http://gameshogun.ws/plugins/tinymce_plugin/tiny_mce/ now as the URL to tinyMCE on the demo site I can reproduce your error.
The cause is, that the response to the Javascript request
URL=http://gameshogun.ws/plugins/tinymce_plugin/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.js?v=0.4-dev gets a 403 (Forbidden) response, instead of the Javascript itself. This does not happen, when requesting the plain URL, but only if the browser requests it itself.
I can reproduce it, when trying to request the URL (http://gameshogun.ws/plugins/tinymce_plugin/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.js?v=0.4-dev) with _any_ Referer being set.
I guess there's some stupid "If there's a referer in the Javascript request then forbid it" rule in your .htaccess or something like mod_security causes it.
It's still no problem with the plugin or b2evo at all - just some too strict (security?) rules somewhere on your host.
The 403 response contains this text:
<p>Error 403</p><p>Forbidden.</p>"
Now, please fix it yourself.. - you should be able to search for the text above in the relevant files.
blueyed wrote:
The b2evo html checker does not "know" the html entities and then regards them as invalid, e.g. " ".
This will be fixed in the next b2evo 1.9.x release.Update: Unfortunately this fix is "too complex" for 1.9.x, so it will be in 1.10.x.
I'll attach a patch for 1.9.x.
Thanks blueyed... I will give this a shot :)
How do I install this patch? Just cut-n-paste over the _htmlcheckerclass.php file?
It's a "common" patch file, which includes the differences to _htmlchecker.class.php and the three additional files which define the entities.
You should be able to apply it using
cd /path/where/blogs/is
patch -p1 < /tmp/fix-html-checker-entities.patch
"patch" is a GNU/Linux utility.
If you don't have it you'll have to manually look at the patch file: replaced lines are marked etc and you would have to create the 3 new files.
This is soo unrelated to the TinyMCE plugin though!
blueyed wrote:
It's a "common" patch file, which includes the differences to _htmlchecker.class.php and the three additional files which define the entities.
You should be able to apply it using
cd /path/where/blogs/is patch -p1 < /tmp/fix-html-checker-entities.patch
"patch" is a GNU/Linux utility.
If you don't have it you'll have to manually look at the patch file: replaced lines are marked etc and you would have to create the 3 new files.
This is soo unrelated to the TinyMCE plugin though!
I have this program running on a windows server so I guess I will be doing this by hand... OUCH.
I was looking over the code... are the lines with a "-" in front of it mean that line gets removed? and the ones with the "+" sign lines to be added? There are no real clear directions with this patch so it's a bit hard to follow.
I know just enough php to get me in trouble... LOL. So different from ASP... that is what I program in.
For example...
@@ -99,29 +98,9 @@
// set function to call for the actual data
xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, 'cdata');
- xml_set_default_handler($this->parser, 'default_handler');
- xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler($this->parser, 'external_entity');
- xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler($this->parser, 'unparsed_entity');
Is that line 99, col 29? then what does the +98,9 mean?
Then there are the "-" at the beginning of the line... what is that? some have a "+" like this...
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+<!-- Portions (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
+ Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
+ conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
+ ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
+<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
+ "-//W3C//ENTITIES Latin 1 for XHTML//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml-lat1.ent">
+ %HTMLlat1;
Don't mean to be a pain in the ass... but it makes no sense to me. :oops:
or maybe you could patch the file and distribute that instead of the actual patch for us Windows people. ;)
EDIT: So you mention that this is unrelated to the TinyMCE plugin, but if the TinyMCE plugin is giving parsing errors, are you saying this patch will not fix that?
Try getting the four _htmlchecker.* files from the v-1-10 branch: http://evocms.cvs.sourceforge.net/evocms/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_misc/?pathrev=v-1-10
It's a bug with b2evo's htmlchecker; the TinyMCE plugin only triggers it. The bug also happens if you use " " for example in the "normal" textarea.
blueyed wrote:
Try getting the four _htmlchecker.* files from the v-1-10 branch: http://evocms.cvs.sourceforge.net/evocms/b2evolution/blogs/inc/_misc/?pathrev=v-1-10
It's a bug with b2evo's htmlchecker; the TinyMCE plugin only triggers it. The bug also happens if you use " " for example in the "normal" textarea.
AWESOME!!!!!! Thanks for all your help. This did the trick!!!!
I get this error when I try and install the tinymce plugin
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_plugin_url() in /......./....../...../.....plugins/_tinymce.plugin.php on line 57
Anyone know whats wrong :?:
[eXt]Sieg, which b2evo version are you using? Plugin::get_plugin_url() should be present in b2evo 1.8.x+.
thanks for the plug-in. it worked on me with no problem at all.
i'm just curious if it's possible to include icons and features for the
"more", "no-teaser", "next-page" . thanks.
ishkinhed wrote:
i'm just curious if it's possible to include icons and features for the
"more", "no-teaser", "next-page" . thanks.
This might be possible and a patch for this would be welcome.. :)
AFAIK the "HTML comments" b2evo uses for this rather create problems, because they do not show up at all in TinyMCE. So there should be buttons for it plus they should get displayed "visible" in the WYSIWYG editor part.
I just have a small problem with the 2 plugins working together. Evoamazon opens a new window to get the products and when I click on an item it is suppose to paste it into the content area. With tinymce it doesn't work. However, if I type some text into the area and highlight it then click the amazon button and select a product it works. Is there any way to get it to work without having to do that extra step.
nowell, please provide the following information:
Which versions of the plugins are you using (download link for evoamazon may be useful, too).
What browser are you using?
Does it work with the YouTube plugin for you? Or the "Insert code" link after uploading an image.
I assume you are using b2evo 1.9.2?!
evoamazon - I don't see the version but I just downloaded it 01/25/07 http://astonishme.co.uk/am_download.php?974a380ef44338620d28af424309017cplugins/evoamazon.zip
I don't have YouTube yet but was planning on adding it.
Browser IE-7
I just tried it in firefox and it works but would still like to try getting it to work in IE-7
My IE-7 version is 7.0.5730.11
I tried it on another computer with version IE 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp.50928-1517 and it does the same thing as IE-7.
nowell, please try if you the "Insert code..." link after uploading an image works - it uses (quite) the same JS function as the evoamazon plugin.
Are you using b2evo 1.9.x? With 1.8.x it's not supposed to work - but there the workaround with selecting something first shouldn't work also.
nowell, please try if you the "Insert code..." link after uploading an image works - it uses (quite) the same JS function as the evoamazon plugin.
Are you using b2evo 1.9.x? With 1.8.x it's not supposed to work - but there the workaround with selecting something first shouldn't work also.
I am using b2evolution-1.9.2-2007-01-22
I'm not sure if I undertand exactly what you mean. I don't see a button in tinymce for insert and the original b2e buttons under expert no longer work. I can click the html button after uploading and paste the code in there and the picture shows up.
if( window.focus && window.opener ){ window.opener.focus(); textarea_replace_selection( window.opener.document.getElementById('itemform_post_content'), '<?php echo $jscode ?>' , window.opener.document ); }self.close(); return false;" />
The above line of code is out of evoamazon.
I was just fiddling around with it and I noticed that when I removed the part self.close(); and I tried it. The first time I clicked it, it didn't paste anything in but the second and third... it pasted in correctly. Does that help any?
I also noticed on the first page of this post Garey Mills had a similar problem on an earlier version of b2evo and he did this.
<!-- // idocs.com's popup tutorial rules !
function targetopener(blah, closeme, closeonly) {
if (! (window.focus && window.opener))return true;
window.opener.tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, blah);
// if (! closeonly)window.opener.document.post.content.value += blah;
if (closeme)window.close();
return false;
I don't know if it helps but it seems to similar.
I just noticed something that I hadn't noticed before. When I click the "Img" button and it is suppose to paste the code into the content box on the Write page, it pastes into the very top of that page "tiny_mce_marker".
I installed the youtube plugin and it does the exact same thing. The first time I click it, it pastes "tiny_mce_marker" into the top of the page and the second time I click it, it does what it is suppose to do.
nowell, this all seems to be buggy behaviour of IE. I've just tried it with the most recent version of TinyMCE (2.1.0), but it also does not work.
The workaround seems to be to mark some text before inserting an image (e.g. just some whitespace) or using a decent/more supportive browser like Firefox.
I am really bored currently because I've spent more than 2 hours debugging things in IE.. (there was another issue, too) :/
I _might_ investigate in this later, but it's really low priority: it seems that it's actually the TinyMCE project needs to fix/workaround and that would mean to put a simple testcase together for them. Because I actually dislike IE anyway, this in unlikely to happen soon. Sorry.
It does look like it's a tinymce problem. I searched their forums and others had similar problems and nobody had a clear answer. I'm still looking at it some but I don't have high hopes. If I come up with anything I will post it. Thanks for your help.
I've set up a group blog and many are wanting to create posts within Word and paste them in. This editor really is finicky and can't seem to validate anything. I have to usually go in and strip much of the formatting. Even when building posts within the editor, there are errors. I use this plugin with Joomla and never get errors. What's the deal? Are there other solutions other than removing the WYSIWYG editor?
shareski, I guess you're getting errors from b2evo's htmlchecker? What are the error messages like?
The errors usually involve invalid tags and parsing errors.
shareski, that's the b2evo html checker then. Go search the forums, there are plenty of complaints about it.
It happens that TinyMCE inserts e.g. " " and the b2evo parser barks out there (hint: you're giving no hint about the error you are getting!).
You might want to try adding the entities to the html checker. IIRC this will be in b2evo 1.10, because it has been rejected for 1.9. It should be in this thread.
Hi all.
I try the [url=http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?group_id=160495&use_mirror=belnet&filename=tinymce_plugin-0.3.zip&37130035]tinymce_plugin-0.3.zip[/url] with a [url=http://downloads.sourceforge.net/evocms/b2evolution-1.9.2-2007-01-22.zip]1.9.2 b2e[/url] installation.
When I try to get the plugin activated, with
URL to tinymce: /plugins/tiny_mce/
I've got this error:
URL to the TinyMCE base folder. Could not access the URL of the JavaScript (http://www.mywebsite.com/plugins/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.js).
but the "tiny_mce_gzip.js" can be accessed by this url: http://www.mywebsite.com/plugins/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.js
Any idea?
ponsfrilus wrote:
I've got this error:
URL to the TinyMCE base folder. Could not access the URL of the JavaScript (http://www.mywebsite.com/plugins/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.js).
but the "tiny_mce_gzip.js" can be accessed by this url: http://www.mywebsite.com/plugins/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.js
Any idea?
Please post the real URL, so I am able to take a look at it. You can PM it to me. Please include a link to this thread then.
blueyed wrote:
ponsfrilus wrote:
I've got this error:
URL to the TinyMCE base folder. Could not access the URL of the JavaScript (http://www.mywebsite.com/plugins/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.js).
but the "tiny_mce_gzip.js" can be accessed by this url: http://www.mywebsite.com/plugins/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.js
Any idea?
Please post the real URL, so I am able to take a look at it. You can PM it to me. Please include a link to this thread then.
I've the same problem with my site.
I'll send you a pm.
I've released version 0.4, which should fix all known problems, even the tinymce_marker-problem. But I've only tested it with IE6.
It also includes the latest TinyMCE release (2.1.0).
Download: https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=160495&package_id=211707
blueyed wrote:
I've released version 0.4, which should fix all known problems, even the tinymce_marker-problem. But I've only tested it with IE6.
It also includes the latest TinyMCE release (2.1.0).
Download: https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=160495&package_id=211707
I've installed the last version.
When i use the justify tag in the post it breaks the template.
m4ndr4k3 wrote:
I've installed the last version.
When i use the justify tag in the post it breaks the template.
That's rather a bug of the Auto-P plugin. You should disable it when using TinyMCE.
This bug will be fixed in b2evo 1.9.3.
blueyed wrote:
m4ndr4k3 wrote:
I've installed the last version.
When i use the justify tag in the post it breaks the template.That's rather a bug of the Auto-P plugin. You should disable it when using TinyMCE.
This bug will be fixed in b2evo 1.9.3.
I disabled the auto-p plugin but the problem is not fixed.
The skin breaks when i use the "more" command :'(
It breaks only with slash my search post 8|
ok i fixed the problem.
Something wrong in the post code.
I reinstalled auto-p plugin and it seems to be ok...
b2evo version :1.9.3
Plugin version o.4
i get this error after the installation
Notice: Undefined variable: errstr in /membri/hardblogcafe/plugins/tinymce_plugin/_tinymce.plugin.php on line 497
Notice: Undefined variable: errno in /membri/hardblogcafe/plugins/tinymce_plugin/_tinymce.plugin.php on line 497
Please check the "URL to TinyMCE" setting - could not access the URL of the JavaScript (http://hardblogcafe.altervista.org/plugins/tinymce_plugin/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.js). Error: " (#)". Status: .
m4ndr4k3, can you remove the "@" in line 494 and report back what it says? (I guess it says fsockopen has been disabled for security reasons or thelike and therefor your current host seems also bad - because it does neither allow curl, allow_url_fopen nor fsockopen then).
The whole my_fetch_remote_page() method fails for you. But the plugin should work anyway - the "Please check..." message is just a note.
But please report back what removing the "@" reveils, because the same method will get used later in b2evo and currently there would be no method on your system to fetch a remote URL.
Please PM me the result, it's not relevant to the plugin really - which should work nonetheless. Thanks.
Have added and all looks very good for now
Thank you
Getting this error when trying to add background or border colors to a table
Tag <table> may not have attribute style
Cannot post, please correct these errors:
Tag <table> may not have attribute style
Also the select colors table is messed up, only wey I could select colors was to go to the websafe colors.
Also the highlight text is not working.
Any ideas whats causing this?
dang, no matter what I do, it really won't load, always saying to check URL to tinymce...
I'm thinking of giving you access so you can check (if you don't mind), even with a fresh install and no other non-essential plugins, it won't load :/
hey blueyed, there seems to be a incompatiability with the tinymce plugin and the gallery plugin or just a problem with the tinymce plugin.
I create a new post, type a title and body for the post, and then click save, and body is empty in the saved post.
But if I go edit the post, then do a body, click save, the body is saved.
I've tried disabling the compressor, same results.
I haven't tried yet disabling the gallery plugin, but i do not see how it could interfere like this.
What do you think?
I'm using the latest of both B2evo and the TinyMCE editor, and I'm trying to add an image which has an alternative image (using the advanced tab). However, I keep getting this error:
Tag <img> may not have attribute onmouseout
Similar error for mouseover.
I'd love some help on this, as I don't know what's wrong or how to fix it.
na3, see the TinyMCE config (http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Configuration), especially extended_valid_elements.
However, updating to the just released version 0.5 of the plugin might help, because I've removed the current (plugin) default for this value and a[onmouseout] in valid by default. Try it.
Otherwise, you can configure the TinyMCE by using PluginSettings or even per user (see the profile).
Download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=160495&package_id=211707
Apart from that, please leave any bugs in the SF.net bug tracker: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=160495&atid=816077
Thanks blueeyed. I'll upgrade and check everything out and let you know how it goes! Cheers!
OK... I feel quite stupid, I can't quite install it in my b2evolution site.
But I think I'm facing another problem as well, I cannot locate the plugin package for b2evolution which should be here: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=160495&package_id=211707
Is there something wrong?
Hello, I finally got it right. There were 2 problems:
1) Not understanding the structure of the files
2) Not having all the right files... I only managed to download the javascript versions as I could not find the PHP ones (see last post).
In any case, the correct sequence of files should be:
-> root (www directory)
-> plugins (directory)
-> tinymce_plugin (Create this directory)
-> tiny_mce (Copy this directory from your downloads)
-> _tinymce.plugin.php
These should be in your "tiny_mce" directory
-> langs (directory)
-> plugins (directory)
-> themes (directory)
-> utils (directory)
-> blank.htm
-> license.txt
-> tiny_mce.js
-> tiny_mce_gzip.js
-> tiny_mce_gzip.php
-> tiny_mce_popup.js
-> tiny_mce_src.js
After these files are downloaded to your site, go to back office, and click on App Settings and then click the Plugins tab. You should be able to find TinyMCE under "available plugins" general tab. Click on install and hope...
In my case, I got TinyMCE installed and its working fine in the posts/write section. However, if I click onto App Settings now, I get the following error message at the top:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/yourunlo/public_html/psp/plugins/tinymce_plugin/_tinymce.plugin.php:546) in /home/yourunlo/public_html/psp/inc/VIEW/_menutop.php on line 39
hmmmmm.... help?
seville, you should just unpack the archive in the plugins directory: it contains the tinymce_plugin directory already.
About the error: what in /home/yourunlo/public_html/psp/plugins/tinymce_plugin/_tinymce.plugin.php on line 546? (and around there)
Maybe some additional newlines at the end of the file? Then remove them...
I installed TinyMCE and everytime I try to activate it, PHP shutsdown momentary on my system. All I get in the Apache log is the following error:
"Premature end of script headers" c:/program files/instantservers/miniportal/php/php.exe
The memory limit is set correctly. Any ideas?
patrick_fowler1, try "playing" with the plugin settings, before activating it. E.g. disable/enable some things, which may be related. There may be some gzip related error or something similar.
using : Apache 2
php memory limit : 50M
PHP: 5.2.3
b2evolution : 2.0.2
I got Tinymce (version 0.5) working on another server, without doing anything the first time i updated my blog to 2.0.2 (edit: now it's not working anymore same error has below)
on another server, i can't have it to work since update, i un-checked the Gzip compression option to try, the problem seem to be on activation :
when i activate it i get :
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare fetch_remote_page() (previously declared in /inc/_core/_url.funcs.php:43) in /inc/_misc/_url.funcs.php on line 160
is there anything i can do to have it working for 2.0.2 ?
ps: i still have another blog where it's working same server config has the other 2 blog, but i think it's with version 0.4 of your plugin.. 8|
OK i had to erase some parts of the code in /inc/_misc/_url.funcs.php (the ones that where previously declared in /inc/_core/_url.funcs.php) to get it to actually "activate" the plugin. now plugin display properly.
parts deleted "fetch_remote_page"
line 41
function fetch_remote_page( $url, & $info )
$info = array(
'error' => '',
'status' => NULL );
After the same problem was happening with "url_same_protocol"
erased this part :
line 193
* Get $url with the same protocol (http/https) as $other_url.
* @param string URL
* @param string other URL (defaults to {@link $ReqHost})
* @return string
function url_same_protocol( $url, $other_url = NULL )
if( is_null($other_url) )
global $ReqHost;
$other_url = $ReqHost;
// change protocol of $url to same of admin ('https' <=> 'http')
if( substr( $url, 0, 7 ) == 'http://' )
if( substr( $other_url, 0, 8 ) == 'https://' )
$url = 'https://'.substr( $url, 7 );
elseif( substr( $url, 0, 8 ) == 'https://' )
if( substr( $other_url, 0, 7 ) == 'http://' )
$url = 'http://'.substr( $url, 8 );
return $url;
Hum..Plugin works allmost properly.
i wonder if it's possible at this stage to get it working with the "file manager" of b2evolution..i want to use the "img" tag to insert images on the fly into tinymce editor. any idea ?
Urm, I haven't looked at your problem ( sorry I don't use this plugin ) but, the chances are that you'd be better off deleting functions from the plugin rather than the core.
You might also like to check the svn repository as blueyed is normally on top of any problems like this ;)
buzzworkers wrote:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare fetch_remote_page() (previously declared in /inc/_core/_url.funcs.php:43) in /inc/_misc/_url.funcs.php on line 160
This looks like you have old files from b2evo 1.x mixed up with 2.x files. (/inc/_misc/_url.funcs.php is from 1.x) - you may want to delete the latter file.
The plugin tests if it can find a core function fetch_remote_page, but only looks at the place where it has been in 1.10.x - I've fixed it in SVN, but you should be fine with just removing the 1.10.x file (/inc/_misc/_url.funcs.php) and reverting any manual hacks, of course.
Using the "img" button _should_ work (at least I've made it do so several times already IIRC), but apparently it's broken then in 2.x again. Sorry.
Thanks for your support :)
are you going to release a version for 2.X ?
buzzworkers, I've just tested the version from SVN against b2evo 2.1-beta and it appears to work fine, including the "img" button from "Files" and inserting smileys.
I've just released version 0.6 of the plugin, which should work fine for b2evo 1.10.x and 2.x. (see http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=160495&package_id=211707)
i tested it right now with the new beta and installation works just fine, but the plugin is not rendered :
quicktag is not activated to avoid conflict.
firebug tell me this :
this.contentWindow has no properties
return this.contentWindow.document;
tiny_mce_gzip.php (line 2640)
editorTemplate has no properties
_onAdd(textarea#itemform_post_content.form_textarea_input, "itemform_post_content", undefined)tiny_mce_gzip.php (line 3755)
addMCEControl(textarea#itemform_post_content.form_textarea_input, "itemform_post_content", undefined)tiny_mce_gzip.php (line 555)
onLoad()tiny_mce_gzip.php (line 1650)
deltaWidth = editorTemplate.delta_width ? editorTemplate.delta_width : 0;
i tryed with and without gzip compression, it's stay the same, not working.
buzzworkers, I cannot reproduce your problem. I've even downloaded the zip file instead of using the version from SVN (in case I should have missed a file when packaging).
Have you tried to delete your browser cache? Have you verified that all files are in place?
After all this looks like a javascript error in TinyMCE itself.
Thanks for your support !
has you said, i have uploaded everything again, i took off compression just in case for testing, the error is still there but slightly diferent:
this.contentWindow has no properties
editorTemplate has no properties
init(textarea#itemform_post_content.form_textarea_input, "itemform_post_content", undefined)tiny_mce.js (line 1)
init(textarea#itemform_post_content.form_textarea_input, "itemform_post_content", undefined)tiny_mce.js (line 1)
any idea on this one ?
edit : something is really weird, has some users does have Tinymce OK
and some others just don't see anything beside quicktag.
cleaned the cache of the blog and local, tested with Firefox & Opera
it's not rendering, no tiny ! :-/
buzzworkers: maybe that's related to different tinymce setups in the user profile? Try using the defaults/same settings as for users were it's working.
You may also want to try the latest SVN version, phse has stepped in and fixed "saving user profile crashes the editor", whatever that is.
See http://manual.b2evolution.net/Tinymce_plugin for the SVN location.
I'll check the SVN version ok :)
but it seem from the manual : the SVN location is wrong :
It was correct in the "svn checkout" command, but I've fixed the other link, too.
The correct link for trunk is: https://evocms-plugins.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/evocms-plugins/tinymce_plugin/trunk/
I'm using the latest code from the svn repository with b2evo 2.3.0
while i'm in Opera i can't make a link from an image.
in Opera :
if i click the button to insert a link into the image (the button is greyed out like un-available but it calls the popup and present everything to insert a link like normal) then if i check the html code from the tinymce editor, the link is simply not there, like if Opera couldn't "talk" with the editor. preview also show no link at all.
in Firefox inserting an image works perfect, inserting a link into an image works perfect too :)
problem : my co-workers at work love Opera !
what can i do to understand what is the problem here ? it seem to me that maybe the problem isn't in tinymce but in the whole blog engine ?
should i turn the OFF old tag system to use tiny ?
ps: tiny initialise with no special param apart the one telling the size of the edit area..
I could not reproduce it, while I'm not sure which image-inserting functionality you were using (the tinymce button or the "img" button from the b2evo file manager).
I've tested it using b2evo from CVS (should be similar to 2.3.0) and tinymce from svn (revision 591).
I've used Opera 9.25 on Ubuntu.
Can you provide a screenshot of the failure or a more detailed way to reproduce it?
more exemple :
I used the tinymce way to insert link over an image.
what i did, using opera on winxp:
i insert an image with tinymce, image insert is fine !
then i want to link this image to b2evolution.net
when i insert the link, the popup close itself, but there is no link at all
in the image, if i check the html button, my image code is nice, but there is no link to a external site into it, like if it never did it ! if i preview the article, i have no link, no image.
if i insert an image with tinymce then link it using the quicktag link button
the image desapear, simply gone. then if i check the html code from tiny, i have this :
<a href="http://b2evolution.net"></a>
i have this on the code.
If i insert the image with the quicktag button for image, i get the image ok
then if i want to insert a quicktag link, the image is gone as well, same behaviour has before, i think here on my side, quicktag is simply not working, problem is some user still like to use it...
now the funny part is that inserting links to a word, using the same configuration has before works perfect in opera !! the buttons react perfectly, when i hover my pointer on it, they respond normally wich is not the case when selecting an image to insert a link on it, in this case those buttons (insert/edit link and unlink are greyfaded like disabled..)
i hope my description can help ^:)
Does anyone know how to install TinyMCE plugins like the spellchecker one? Also, is it possible to turn TinyMCE off and on from the 'write' page as everytime I want to insert the <!--more--> in, I have to go to the plugins page and manually disable it and manually enable it again.
EDIT: Using TinyMCE v0.6 and b2e v1.10
I upgraded my software and all seems to look good with the exception of 2 problems; one of them is with TnyMCE and I can't figure out what the problem is. I've rechecked everything before posting.
Tiny MCE ver: 0.6
B2evo ver: 2.4.0 (upgrade from 1.10.3)
This is the message when the program tries to load:
Compressed TinyMCE javascript could not be loaded. Check the “URL to TinyMCE” plugin setting.
How can this be fixed? Is the problem with the upgrade?
Many thanks,
This combination should work. Try to upload the plugin again. If the problem persists please report back to this topic.
Good luck
Hello Afwas:
I uploaded it again and it doesn't seem to work.
Under "Plugin Variables" (Advanced)
Code: (blank)
Priority: 10
Apply rendering: stealth
Perhaps this is the problem - does code need to be set? It was loaded blank.
Thanks for your help.
:) Hello:
Is there any hope in getting this fixed or is it a hopeless situation? :-/
I installed the tiny MCE and it worked fine. But after I changed the user settings for other widgets and options (not doing anything to tiny MCE) Tiny MCE does not appear.
But when I use an account where the user settings have not being changed the plugin works fine.
Any solution to this?
Hi Again:
In regard to my post on 1/29, is there something simple that can be done to fix the editor?
Thank you.
Sorry if this was covered, but I searched around a bit and did not find the answer...
Is it possible to use this WYSIWYG plugin in other areas of the admin, such as the "Long Description" part of the general Blog Settings?
Hi nate_02631.
No it's not for any textarea and certainly not for the Long Description. You can only style the Long Description through the CSS stylesheet.
Good luck
Thanks - I'm not sure what you mean by "You can only style the Long Description through the CSS stylesheet. "?
I'm guessing you're saying that plugins of any kind can't be applied to pages other than the edit pages?
nate_02631 wrote:
I'm guessing you're saying that plugins of any kind can't be applied to pages other than the edit pages?
No, the TinyMCE plugin is not setup to act on other textarea's. You could change that, but not to all textarea's. There needs to be a plugin hook in the core.
The appearance of widgets can fairly easily be changed by applying styles to them. Each widget has it's own DOM.
Good luck
K - thanks - I think it'll be easier just to manually hack the general_form and edit_form pages as before ;)
I saw that the newer version of the TinyMCE has a plugin called pagebreak that can be configured to insert tags like the <!-- more --> of b2evo. I tried to install it, but it didn't work :(. Does anybody know how can I install it in the last version of the TinyMCE plugin for b2evo (because this isn't the last version)?
Need an update of this pluggin with revision of code etc. ! with valid xhtml http://validator.w3.org/.
Somebody have information about the author ?
Djidiouf wrote:
Need an update of this pluggin with revision of code etc. ! with valid xhtml http://validator.w3.org/.
Somebody have information about the author ?
Not sure where blueyed went but is there a particular tags that tinymce gets wrong? I haven't seemed to have any problems with it.
Is it just me or does TinyMCE have problems with Firefox 3 and Opera 9.5 ?
Ive just added a image via the "files" button, but when i goto try and look at the image properties the popup doesnt get populated so i can edit these settings.
Anyone else have this?
Hallo blueyed,
i've just looked at http://evocms-plugins.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/evocms-plugins/tinymce_plugin/ and noticed that your quite busy with developing an TinyMCE v0.7 Update. So, is there a release date set yet? Hope it will be soon!
blueyed wrote:
tinymce_plugin: version 0.7.0 (about to get released) - Update README - Update...
Sorry for not having watched this thread since some time..
I just wanted to inform you that the tinymce_plugin will be included in b2evo itself with the 3.1 (or later) release.
If you have problems with the plugin currently, try using the version from SVN.
Is there any way to customize which buttons show up and which are hidden? We'd like to give our bloggers some options but not others.
Nevermind, we figured it out. Went into the .js file and rem'd lines we didn't want!
Ive never installed TinyMCE in my previous versions (really had no idea what it was and didnt investigate). So, now using 3.2 and fir opportunity to have a play.
I nearly wet myself with excitement when I first saw it! And fair enough.
It is TERRIBLE. Am I the only one whos posts get shot to pluto and beyond with the rotten thing? (Im hoping yes and that Im just doing something wrong).
It adds <p></p> 's all over the show that you (often) cannot get rid of (even by cutting them out in html view). Images have a mind of their own entirely. Unrequired code is left all through the post if you change anything. I can get it to do very little of what I want, and Im only talking basics.
Whats the story? Why is this thing popular?
Hi -
Just installed the tiny_mce plugin in b2evo 1.8.2. I went to the admin backend and activated the plugin, but when I go to a post window, this shows up in my error logs:
File does not exist: /home/webdata4/b2evolution/blogs/plugins/tinymce_pl
On inspection of the directories involved, the path is missing a simple or complex. How do I put it in?