2 ednong Nov 02, 2014 01:12

It's fine in the EN UK language
Do you have the Quick Tags plugin installed and enabled; try reinstalling it ??
The tag names have changed. Search for "teaserbreak" or "pagebreak" in the manual.
Also it's always a good idea to read the changelog associated with new releases to know about changes like this.
I know, they have changed their names (I have read the notes, everytime!). But I have no buttons in the editor now. I guess, this is a bug then?
In the demo blog there are button with "teaserbreak" and "pagebreak" - but it seems, not in the german language pack?
Or do I need a plug in for this?
I have attached a view to my editor line in the attached image now. It looks different as the demo blog editor line.
now I deinstalled TinyMCE and QucikTags. And installed new TinyMCE, QuickTags and ShortTags. Now I have the buttons I searched (teaserbreak and pagebreak) - but: now TinyMCE is active.
I set it in my profil to off, but after saving, log out and log in - it will be there and is everytime active. How crazy is that? And how I can deactivate it only for my user?
I have TinyMCE deinstalled again. And installed as the last plug in now.
Now the setting in my profile will be accepted. Crazy thing, really.
Yes you need the short codes toolbar to see these buttons.
Nice to know - but I really thought, this would be activated, if I update from a version, where this buttons were in (as "more" and "next" or so).
Maybe I haven't see any information about this - but until this moment I could image, that I need to install a plug in in the new version for it, sorry. I'm a little bit surprised about this ;)
If you say to me, how I get the solved in front of the title of this post, I will do.
Yes the toolbar should be activated by default on upgrade. We'll check that this works correctly.
*Push up*
Anybody here who can tell me what is wrong?
After the upgrade, there will no "More" and "Page" buttons in the editor fro creating new posts.
I use the included editor in the "Advanced/Expert" (german: Experte) mode. Is the mistake in the editor or need I to change some settings?