2 amoun Jan 18, 2019 15:51

Got your site.
Link text in the sidebar is black like the text.
If you want all links to stand out just css code the anchors. I have an offset colour and a hover colour on all links
Where is there a link in your text, it's a bit much to search for one, especially if it can't be seen.
I would use Firefox > Inspector to see where the overridding css is.
Thanks amoun, but neither of those alterations make any difference.
The problem is down the RH side of https://loobynet.co.uk/ . If you look for the section headed The Comfort of Strangers, there is a sentence which reads
If your comment box looks like this, I'm afraid I sometimes can't be bothered with all that palarver just to leave a comment.
I've hyperlinked "looks like this" to https://loobynet.co.uk/images/too.much.faff.bmp but the text doesn't apear in a different colour.
Thanks again -- I've only just seen your pst about using FF > Inspector. I'll try having a look using that now.
Edit: many thanks amoun -- found it. It was a question of altering line 66 of skins/asevo/style.css to
a {
color: blue;
All the best
.bText a {color: blue !important;}
By the way always provide your URL, please, so people can see the problem
Will check out