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1 Nov 14, 2015 21:18    

i am experimenting with multiblog environment (b2e vers 6.6.4. & horizon blog skin) and don't understand a problem with tiny urls

b2e is installed at the collection tested is named treeezfile

the blog itself should show at, this subdomain is pointing to (b2e base location) and most of the stuff works well.

tiny url is NOT working (producing Error 404: NOT FOUND!) when the 'Collection base URL' is set to 'Absolute URL:'

tiny url is working when the Collection base URL is set to

what makes the difference? what would i have to change/add to show the blog at 'Absolute URL:' and have working tiny urls?

and there is another question, i did not find an answer for in the manual: what is the field 'Link to url:' meant to contain or what is it meant to be used for? I would have expected an explanation here:, but it is missing so far.

2 Nov 15, 2015 22:03

@ramadama is the .htaccess file properly included in the root folder of your site? You can rename sample.htaccess to .htaccess

Regarding the Link to url parameter, it's meant as a general link field. So, you can use it as you need. For example: in our plugins page, it's used to link to the developer's official page. You can find a sample here: (below the download button).

This is another example:

If the post type is Podcast and the URL points to an audio file, an audio player will be displayed instead of the link itself.

A reference to this parameter has been added to the manual page:

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