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1 Mar 05, 2013 02:24    

Hello. I just started using b2evolution and I have a question. I want to have one page being a basic "Hello" page with nothing else. Then, I want to add blogs, such as news updates, not to be displayed on the main page.

Here's my site as it is right now:

You'll see that there's a new blog post above my original post. I don't want that to show up there. I want it to show up on a seperate page called News Updates without showing up on the main page. This is the News Updates page: but it doesn't show the blog post in it's entirety.

I hope this isn't too jumbled for you guys to understand. Thanks in advance for your help!

2 Mar 05, 2013 18:19

Your URL doesn't work but you could:

  • either use blog 2 for your updates
  • or make a static home page (index.html) and remove b2evolution's index.php. You blog will then be at blog1.php for example.

Making sense?

4 Mar 05, 2013 18:42

In the menu bar on top when you are logged in, you have an option to Create a new blog. There is also an option on the dashboard and a few other places if you click around ;)

You have a customized menu at the top of your site. You can pretty easily add a link to blog2.php in that menu.

5 Mar 12, 2013 20:46

Also in an upcoming b2evolution v5 release you will be able to simply set a front page that is not the list of posts and then have a menu entry linking to the list of posts.

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