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1 Oct 09, 2015 01:22    

Did you know we have 37 possible different $disp values !!??

Check out, the "never-seen before (and that's a shame)" reference list for skin developers:
These are that many cases that each skin should handle gracefully.

These are that many cases that each skin should handle gracefully... but if you are disciplined with your CSS, it should be easy. Nonetheless, we really recommend using the bootstrap skins as clean starting points.

2 Oct 09, 2015 10:49

Is there a link to it? Sounds like something I usefully ought to be looking at about now.

4 Oct 09, 2015 23:55

Ha... That repeated line of "These are that many cases that each skin should handle gracefully." is probably when I tried to paste the URL :^p

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