2 fplanque Oct 09, 2015 01:25

http://hthne.org/b2evolution/ here is the link to the outside. I had set it to use the default skin, but as you can see it's being disagreeable.
I see "Mark Blog" with the default skin. What's wrong? What did you expect?
I had selected the default skin which had the sun streaming through.
You are trying to use a skin designed for a Homepage/Main Collection on a Blog Collection. That is prone to creating frustrations because it's not designed for that use.
Technically it's still possible to use it but if you want to see the sunset, you have to specify that your collection wants to display a "special front page" so that you get that special front page actually displayed:
Otherwise you'll only get it by calling it explicitly: http://hthne.org/b2evolution/?disp=front
Ahhh! Thanks so much!
So, what shows up instead?
Can you share URLs and/or screenshots of what you get and what your config screens look like?