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1 Sep 23, 2015 14:56    

  • not sure if it should be here, feel free to move this topic -

Each of my collections correspond to different language, and my main collection aggregates all posts. Usually, I create several posts in one language, then i translate them to another language and so on. But then my aggregation's post list shows a bunch of posts in only one language (and it looks like the page is in only one language, loosing the "international characteristic" that I would like to emphasize.
Is there a way to make it shows the posts alternating the collections? So it would show one of blog2, then one of blog3, one of blogg, one of blog5, and then back to blog2, blog3, blog4, blog5?

I would also start the aggregation collection with a main-post(?) of css buttons showing the languages (one button for portuguese, another for english and so on? How should I approach this? Inserting a html widget in the containers (before the post's aggregation list? Or just by creating a 'main' or 'featured' post with the html/css? Or maybe even inserting the codes to the collections file?

Thanks for any suggestions and for b2evolution itself!

2 Sep 23, 2015 23:38

What if you adjust your workflow to create all the posts in one language but first save as draft instead of publishing.. then translate to the other languages and also save as draft..

Then publish blog 2 post 1, then blog 3 post 1, blog 4 post 1, blog 5 post 1...
Then publish blog 2 post 2, then blog 3 post 2, and so on..

Then aggregate blog 1 by published date...

3 Sep 24, 2015 15:20

Thanks for the reply @jibberjab

I'm not sure if I got what you meant by "...adjust your workflow to create all the posts in one language...". But trying to figure out that I found in Features>Posts>Post list>order by something that would work for me: to order by modification. But what's the difference between "date last modified" and "date last touched"? It is lacking in the man page what the "date last touched" means.
I guess it would be enough, as my 'blogs' are actually more like 'collections' of contents (I like the b2e concept), and instead of publishing a lot of posts I decided just to modify/touch(?) them as needed.

And any suggestions about the "languages buttons"?

Thanks in a advance!

5 Sep 25, 2015 12:55

Thank you, @fplanque ! The "last touched" option can work pretty well here.
Yet, I tried to figure out someway to make the aggregation list to show one post of blog2, then one of blog3 etc. Even though it is possible to set priorities or define diferent post types (to each collection), I couldn't find a way to tell the aggregation that it should be only one post of each collection.
Anyway, thanks again!

6 Sep 25, 2015 16:46

The aggregation takes all the posts from all the collections you specify and considers them as a single collection.
Then you can apply ordering on that complete corpus of posts.

You should be able to reach any order you want if you use explicit order numbers. But you will have to manually enter an order number for each post to determine where you want to have it.

7 Sep 26, 2015 12:10

Tha sounds great, but, yet two doubts:
I view all posts collected in my aggregation collection, but when I click to edit them the path changes to the original collection to which the post belongs, meaning that if set the priority it will also in the original collection... or did I misunderstand something? Or am I forggeting to change something in my aggregation collection?
Let's say I set all my portuguese (collection's posts) as 1, them all my english to 2, then all spanish to 3, all esperanto posts to 4 and all danish to 5. Then the aggregation will show all posts set as 1 first, then all of 2, 3, 4 and 5. Again am I missing something? The goal would be to show one post of each collection, but also each collection has abdifferent priority: I won't update the danish and the spanish collection as often as I with portuguese and english...
Sorry, for the long posts here, but I found answers to most of my doubts in these foruns and it would be nice if someone iith the same doubts could find answers here as well. (:

And should I repost the css doubts in the Css forum?

Thanks again and again for the amazing b2e!

8 Sep 26, 2015 15:42

You should NOT use priority. You should use order !!!

They are different things.

Each of your posts should have a UNIQUE order number. This way they will appear exactly in the order you want.

Yes, the priority and the order are the same, no matter in which collection you see your post.

Yes, you should post CSS questions in a different topic.

9 Sep 26, 2015 18:50

Wow, b2e never stop surprising me! Endless possibilities for everything...
Topic solved!

Thank you very much indeed again (:

10 Sep 26, 2015 23:50

Cool :)

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