2 mgsolipa Jul 18, 2016 14:42

Hi mgsolipa,
I guess I misunderstood the functionality of pagination. My bad.
However, what I was thinking if it would possible to have a pagiation if you the widgets in "Front Area" has recent post.
Front page Widgets.
Can it look like this in the Front page?
Feature Post
Recent post
pagination <------------------------- to view the next 10 batches of posts
Awesome team
@dh.com all right. So that is not a feature of the Ark (or any other) skin, but the Simple Post list widget, I guess.
Maybe loading N posts and display only M per "page" (when N > M) would do the trick. Just a very very rough idea of how it would look like: http://jsfiddle.net/mgsolipa/Lt6kf4h2/3/.
Does it work for you this way?
We'll think about making the Pagination a widget in the future. That will allow to place it also on the front page. However this will probably not be possible before b2evolution v7.0.
@dh.com I think pagination makes no sense on front-page.
However, what kind of pagination do you expect to find there? Can you attach a screenshot of other skins that do include this feature?
Thank you.