2 mgsolipa Jan 23, 2016 11:28

@nemo656 Please see this updated manual page: http://b2evolution.net/man/css-files
Thank you so much for the tips and links. Sadly I think I'm going back to the standard wordpress scripts. There is so much more information and help available. I do appreciate the all the work that has gone into the b2evelution scripts it's just a bit to over my head. Thank you again for all your hard work. If I was more educated in scripting and CSS it might have worked out but I am an old dog and learning the tech back end is very difficult for me. Thank you again...
Have a great day
A bit late in the day for nemo656 but to simplify if using FTP rather than back-office file uploads.
in the [/media/blogs/] folder there will be a folder with the name of each blog i.e [/media/blogs/your_blog/]
Place your customised css script, with anything you wish to override or add, in there and name it [style.css],
i.e. [/media/blogs/your_blog/style.css]
@nemo656 I see you already found where to change the gradient.
Just for further readers, in evoPress, the header gradient may be configured on the skin's settings: http://skins.b2evolution.net/evopress-skin (see screenshot #2).
Also, @nemo656, if you ever need to modify the CSS of any skin (especially the standard ones, as evoPress), please consider to follow the recommendations I made on this comment: http://forums.b2evolution.net/fix-for-bootstrap-sidebar#c106283, regarding to create a
file.The standard skins use advanced CSS techniques (as less, automatic Concatenation + Minifaction, etc), and learn how to use them might be pretty interesting (and the right way to do it :D), but not as simple as novice users might expect. Also, on further updates of b2evolution you just need to care of your own
file and not of separated changes made on standard files.