2 geoslack May 23, 2016 23:37

Hi, @geoslack
Maybe the automatic upgrade was hung at those folders on the zip creation, so if you uncheck that option on the Advanced backup options tab, it would continue normally.
That's true that there was no way to ignore those folder on backup, because the upgrade policies apply after the backup is already done and excluded folder (media and some others) are hardcoded in the core.
However, in version 6.7.2 you will find a backup_ignore.conf
file (http://b2evolution.net/man/backup_ignore-conf) that solves this issue. Just consider that as version 6.7.2 is the latest released, full tests of this feature are still pending until a 6.7.3 is released.
Thank you.
Thanks so much for the response! I will be sure to try that out next time I upgrade. It did seem like things got hung up during the backup part of the process...
I succeeded with a manual upgrade instead and it worked just fine -- not as a bad as I thought it would be...