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1 Jun 14, 2013 16:01    

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a blogging platform for school use. I've done some searches of the forums but not found the answers so I'll describe what I need and hope some users or the folks that develop b2evolution can tell me if b2evolution is the right choice...

I want to install the service on a local server that I have access to (I know that b2e fits this requirement).

I work in a school district in eastern Canada and would like to set up blogging for teachers & students. What I envision is that a teacher, Mrs Smith, has a space on the server where she can blog, and "under" that space her students (for example StudentA, StudentB, StudentC, etc.) all have their own spaces.

Further, any blog posts that the students create have to be approved by Mrs Smith before going "live" and any comments also need to be approved by Mrs Smith.

Optionally - student blogs and related comments could be aggregated to Mrs Smith's blog.

So... on this b2e install, there could be MANY teachers, each of whom have a class of students "under" them. The "teachers" in each case could only "see" and "control" their students - not the students in other teachers' classes.

I'm not sure if I've been clear in this. If not, please ask me for clarification. If b2e is the right tool, it would be great to start setting it up now so that its ready for use in September.

Thanks for any and all feedback.


2 Jun 22, 2013 15:20

I think you can do this with b2evo by adopting this strategy:

Make one blog per class. Set up permissions to let students create drafts in the class blog but only the owner of the blog (the teacher) can approve and publish them.

Aggregation of all posts of a class will be automatic but you can also filter them by author ( so you can look at all posts by a given student or teacher in a class)

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