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1 Apr 05, 2018 10:23    

For field set with the param 'fold' => true, the relevant fold javascript as defined in php function echo_fieldset_folding_js() in inc/_core/_misc.funcs.php is initiated only once on load, thus it will not include field sets with the param 'fold' => true, that is loaded in dynamic ajax calls.

Please can this be adjusted to enable the fieldset_folding_js to be initialized again on dynamic calls in order to include this function for fieldsets loaded dymaically?

Proposed solution:

2 Apr 05, 2018 21:36

Please don't split bug reports between the forums and github. Please pick a side.
If you're submitting a pull request, please keep everything on Github.

3 Apr 05, 2018 21:59

Yes agreed, but the problem with Github is that no one (dev) EVER responds there. There are no guidance or feedback what-so-ever hence the duplication. Previously you advised differently saying its okay, but that cross-linking is required (which I did since)??

4 Apr 05, 2018 23:19

I pledge to pay attention to Github from now on.
I have catered to 100% of the pending issues and pull requests on Github today.

I may have said otherwise in the past but in that case it was foolish of me to think that duplicate issues that need de-duplication and/or double answers and/or double tagging and/or double cross-linking would be manageable long term...

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