2 achillis Apr 13, 2017 12:39

Did you play around with sub-domains / sub-folders recently? Multiple instances of b2evo on same domain?
Check how many b2evo cookies there are in your browser. Clear them all.
Something else: do you have a time difference configured in your time settings?
I always clear browser cookies and cache and check it again before I post these sort of "Bug" reports.
I have not messed with time difference settings at all.
I installed this on a client domain with no other instances or sub domains.
What about session timeout? How long is it set?
7200 in advanced.php (default) and everything else is also default.
The session timeout is no longer in advanced.php but in the session settings here: http://b2evolution.net/man/session-settings
Also: please see similar problem solved here: http://forums.b2evolution.net/incorrect-crumb-received-loginsalt#c109042
The session timeout is no longer in advanced.php but in the session settings here: http://b2evolution.net/man/session-settings
Also: please see similar problem solved here: http://forums.b2evolution.net/incorrect-crumb-received-loginsalt#c109042
Thank you, I was following that thread also.
I have solved this issue (phenomenon) and I have no idea what the cause was as I have not changed anything. I did however clear the browser cache several times, and restarted the browser (several times) which I think was the culprit.
I have no idea why, but it seemed that for some reason the browser cache didn't clear properly, even after several purges.
when I click on the widgets tab I get two messages saying that "Widget settings have been updated"